CMAC标准新造船合同(上海格式) |
(船号: )
本合同由依据(此处写以国家或地区名称)法律组建和营业,并以(此处写以国家和城市名称)为注册营业地的(此处写以船东单位全称)为一方(以下简称“买方”或“委托方”),和依据中华人民共和国法律组建和营业,以中国(若有,此处写以船舶贸易公司的注册地)为注册营业地的(此处写以船舶贸易公司的全称),和依据中华人民共和国法律组建和营业,并以中国(此处写以造船公司或造船厂的注册地)为注册营业地的(此处写以造船公司或造船厂的全称)为另一方(以下简称“卖方”或“建造方”)于 年 月 日在(此处写以签约地所在的国家和城市的名称)签订。
兹 证明
第一节 船舶
第一条 概述
本船应在卖方或其确定的造船厂建造,并具有造船厂的船舶工程编号 。
(1)技术说明书(图号: )
(2)总布置图 (图号: )
(3)舯剖面图 (图号: )
(4)厂商表 (图号: )
总 长 约 |
m |
两柱间长 |
m |
型 宽 |
m |
型 深 |
m |
设计吃水 |
m |
航 速 |
kn |
载 重 量 |
t |
舱 容 量 |
m3 |
本船按技术说明书规定应配置 台主机,型号为 ,最大持续功率为
, kW,额定转速为 rpm。
建造方保证按技术说明书的规定,本船应在满载并符合气象要求和船体外表洁净条件下,经修正后的试航速度不低于 kn。试航速度应根据技术说明书的有关规定对风速及浅水效应进行修正。
建造方保证本船的载重量在设计吃水、水比重1.025(或1.000)t/ m3的情况下,不少于 ,公吨(t)。
建造方保证按技术说明书的规定,本船的实测舱容量不少于 m3。
建造方保证本船主机在台架试验、正常持续输出工况以及燃油热值为 千卡/千克时,燃油消耗不超过 克/马力。
第二条 船级、规范和规定
第三条 设计——设计合同的责任
如本船的设计由船东指定的国外 设计公司提供,船东就必须与其指定的设计公司签订设计合同,建造方再和 设计公司签订设计分包合同,完成本船的详细设计和生产设计。在这种情况下,建造方对本合同中由于船舶设计而引起的船舶缺陷和错误,以及不能满足有关规范和规定而造成的航速、载重量、舱容量不足、油耗过量等不承担任何责任;由于船舶设计的图纸拖延而造成的交船期延长也不承担任何责任。
第四条 环境保护
第二节 财务
第五条 合同价格和支付条件
本船的购买价为(数额和币种)( ),这是建造方应收的净价(以下简称“合同价格”),此价格不包括本合同第十一条规定的由买方提供的供应品,并可按本合同第六条的有关规定予以调整。
(1)第一期款项:数额为 美元(USD )作为合同价格百分之 ( %)的款项,应在建造方开具还款保函后三(3)个工作日内由买方支付。
(2)第二期款项:数额为 美元(USD )作为合同价格百分之 ( %)的款项,应在本船开工后三(3)个工作日内由买方支付。
(3)第三期款项:数额为 美元(USD )作为合同价格百分之 ( %)的款项,应在本船第一只分段上船台(或安放龙骨)后三(3)个工作日内由买方支付。
(4)第四期款项:数额为 美元(USD )作为合同价格百分之 ( %)的款项,应在本船下水后三(3)个工作日内由买方支付。
(5)第五期款项:数额为 美元(USD )作为合同价格百分之 ( %)的款项,加上根据本合同有关条款规定对本合同价格的调整、修改或变更而导致的加减账,应在交船日由买方向建造方支付。建造方应在预定交船日十(10)日前用电子信箱或传真方式向买方发出本期款项的付款要求。
(6)第六期款项:数额为 美元(USD )作为合同价格百分之 ( %)的款项,应在本船保修期满后三(3)个工作日内由买方支付。
第六条 合同价格的调整
小于0.3节 |
USD 0 |
大于等于0.3节小于0.4节 |
大于等于0.4节小于0.5节 |
大于等于0.5节小于0.6节 |
大于等于0.6节小于0.7节 |
大于等于0.7节小于0.8节 |
大于等于0.8节小于0.9节 |
大于等于0.9节小于1节 |
(3)如本船的实际航速低于保证速度( 节)1节以上,则买方可自行选择根据本合同第二十七条的规定拒绝接船或取消合同,或根据上述方式减少船价后接受本船,但最大扣除额不得超过 美元(USD )。
其后每超过1/10(0.1)节,合同价格增加USD ,但最大增加额不得超过 美元(USD )。
(1)如根据技术说明书在规定的设计吃水状态下测得的实际载重量不低于保证载重量( 吨)98%( 吨)的,则合同价格可不作调整。
(2)如实际载重量低于保证载重量98%( 吨),对不足保证载重量98%的每1吨,合同价格减少 美元(USD )。
(3)如本船实际载重量低于保证载重量 吨以上,则买方可根据本合同第二十七条的规定拒绝接船或取消本合同,也可减价接受本船,合同价格减少最大值不超过 夺夺夺地美元(USD )。
(4)如本船的实际载重量,在规定设计吃水状态下超过102%( 吨)以下的保证载重量,合同价格可不作调整,超过102%以上的每超过1%( 吨)的每1足吨合同价格增加 美元(USD )。但最大增加的数额不超过 美元(USD )。
(2)如本船的实际舱容量低于技术说明书中规定的舱容量的98%,对低于98%的部分舱容量其合同价格应按 美元/米3进行减少,但减少的最大值不超过 美元(USD )(小于1米3的可忽略不计)。
(3)如本船的实际舱容量低于技术说明书中规定的舱容量的 米3时,则买方可以减少合同价格接船,也可以取消本合同。
(4)如本船的实际舱容量超过技术说明书中规定的舱容量的102%,对超过102%的部分舱容量,合同价格应按 元/米3进行增加,但增加的最大值不超过 美元(USD )(小于1米3的可忽略不计)。
(1)如造机厂台架试验测出主机的实际燃油消耗值超出本合同及技术说明书规定的保证燃油消耗值等于或少于百分之 (5%),则合同价格可不作调整。
(2)如台架试验测出主机的实际燃油消耗值超出保证燃油消耗值大于百分之 (5%),则 %以上的油耗按每超过1%,合同价格减少 美元(USD ),(不足百分之一的部分按比例计算)。
(3)如台架试验测得主机的实际燃油消耗值超出保证燃油消耗大于10%,即油耗超过 ___克/制动马力/小时,买方有权拒绝接受该台主机或拒绝接船或取消本合同或减少船价后接受本船,但减少的最大值不超过 美元(USD )。
(2)如交船日期自第十四条所述日期之后延迟超过三十(30)天,则从交船日起的第三十(30)天午夜12时起算,每迟壹天合同价格减少 美元(USD )。
除非双方对此另有商定,对延迟交船损失的补偿应从第五期合同价格的分期款项中扣除。但不论如何,最大延迟天数不应超过 ( )天包括买方同意在延迟 ( )天后接船,即扣除的最大额不超过 美元(USD )。
(3)如按本合同第十四条规定的交船日延迟了 ( )天(为允许延迟天数加上不允许延迟天数的总和),买方根据第十四条所述自行选择解除或取消本合同,如超过 ( )天,买方还未通知取消合同,建造方可在此 ( )天后任何时间,将建造方估计的交船时间书面通知买方并要求买方选择,在此情况下,买方在收到通知的三十(30)天内可取消本合同或者同意在商定的新交船日接船。如果买方未能在三十(30)天内给予任何反馈,则视为买方已接受新的交船日。双方理解并同意如本船未能在双方同意的新的交船期交船,买方仍有权根据上述相同条款取消本合同。
(5)如本船将早于本合同第十四条所述的交船日提交,则建造方应通知买方,且该通知至少在预计新的交船日前 ( )天发出。买方按下述情况支付建造方一定数额的奖金:
如在规定交船日前十五(15)天内交船,合同价格保持不变。如比规定交船日期提前十五(15)天以上交船,在提前十五天的基础上,每提前一天���在合同价格上增加 美元(USD )作为奖金,由提前交船而增加的合同价总数应加在合同的第五期付款中。但增加的最大值不超过 美元(USD )。
本合同中的合同价格是基于签约时的钢材和主推进设备的市场价格(基础价格)确定的。如该基础价格与建造方和供应方签署的购买合同的实际购买价格的差额高于基础价格的 ___%,超出部分的差额将由本合同双方共同承担,其中建造方承担 %,买方承担 %。为避免日后产生争议,双方或可在签约时对照基础价格予以明确,并以附件形式附后。
第七条 税务和关税
第三节 生产
第八条 图纸的审批和认可
本合同双方在签订合同 天内共同商定需送交买方认可的图纸清单(以下称“清单”)。在监造师抵达建造方船厂之前,清单中规定的图纸应寄送至买方,买方应在收到后 ,( )天内(不包括邮寄时间)将认可或注解的图纸寄回建造方。
在监造师抵达建造方船厂的同时,买方应书面通知建造方,陈述授权监造师可代表买方认可或不认可清单中所列的但尚未寄送给买方的图纸。监造师应在收到上述图纸后 天内将这些图纸连同认可或注解一并返回。
(1) 本船建造所用图纸及技术说明书已在本合同生效日或之前由各方签字并成为本合同一部分,与本合同具有同等效力。
(3) 但在本合同生效后,双方同意对技术说明书进行修改或变动,可能会引起合同与说明书不一致或有矛盾之处,则以修改或变动为准。
第九条 监造和检验
第十条 分包
第十一条 买方供应品
第十二条 修改、变更和加减账
(1)在本合同签订后,如船级社及授权的法定机构修改本合同和说明书中规定时,买方或建造方在收到更改通知后应完整地以书面形式传给对方,买方收到建造方(或反之)上述通知后( )天内,买方应书面将本船修改或变更的决定(如有)通知建造方,并由买方自行决定是否在本船上实施修改或变更并传达给建造方。假如买方首先同意下述条款,建造方应及时对本船进行修改和更改:
第十三条 试航
第四节 交船
第十四条 交船和交船文件
根据本合同第十三条规定完成试航(或可能的重新试航)并为买方接受后,按技术说明书要求,本船将在 年 月 日或之前在安全系泊状态下由建造方在其船厂连同所有入级证书和法定证书交付给买方,如本船建造或本合同的履行因本合同许可的原因延迟交船,上述日期可予以顺延。
4. 交船时的扫尾工程
第十五条 交船时间的推迟和延长(不可抗力)
1. 延迟原因
2. 延迟通知
3. 超时延迟而取消合同的权利
如果所有允许延迟和非允许延迟的累计时间达到或超过 ( )天,但不包括本合同第二十六条所述的由于仲裁或买方违约或买方供应品延付引起的推迟,也不包括本合同允许的延长或延迟交船的日期,在这种情况下,买方可根据本条款并按照本合同有关条款的规定,以书面方式通知建造方取消本合同,该取消通知需经书面确认。建造方可在上述累计延迟时间之后的任何时候书面要求买方作出选择,这时买方在收到该要求后三十(30)天内通知建造方其取消意图,或同意将交船日期延长至双方商定的日期,在此双方理解并同意,如果再发生本合同规定的延迟而引起取消,买方仍有权按上述有关条款取消合同。
4. 允许延迟的定义
第十六条 产权和风险
第十七条 船舶的拥有和驶离
第十八条 船舶登记
第十九条 质量保证
第二十条 保修期和保修工程师
买方应每月向保修工程师支付 美元(USD )作为各项开支,其中包括工资。买方还应承担在服务期满后飞返建造方所在地的旅费及保修工程师在履行其职责时与建造方通讯联系的费用以及(如有)其医药费和住院护理费。买方及其继承人和/或指定人有责任向建造方和/或保修工程师和/或卖方赔偿保修工程师的个人伤害,包括死亡,或保修工程师财产的破坏、损失或缺损,如该死亡、伤害、损失和/或缺损是由于买方、其继承人和/或指定人或其雇员和/或代理人的重大疏忽或过失造成的。
第五节 法律
第二十一条 适用法律
第二十二条 买方违约
(1)如果买方对于本条第1(1)款和/或1(2)款规定的进度款项付款违约,自付款到期日后的十五(15)天起,买方应按年利率为百分之 ( %)支付分期付款利息,十五(15)日之后按年利率为百分之 ( %)直至全部款项付清为止。
第二十三条 建造方违约
第二十四条 合同转让
第二十五条 船舶留置和抵押
第二十六条 争议解决和仲裁
如双方不同意提交上述规定仲裁机构仲裁,则双方同意在 (地点或机构,)适用 仲裁规则进行仲裁。
第二十七条 合同中止和终止
(2)除去允许的延误,建造方不履行与船舶建造有关的工作至少连续达到 天,如此后买方向建造方发出书面通知给予至少 天表示将按照本条款终止合同,而在该期间内建造方没有改正他们的违约行为;或者
(5) 如出售获得的收益仍然不能向建造方完全支付上述买方应付的总数额,买方应向建造方支付差额,加上合同规定利率从买方应付之日起的利息。
第二十八条 保险
第二十九条 专利、商标和版权
第六节 杂项
第三十条 通知和语言
第三十一条 选择权
第三十二条 合同生效条件和日期
除本合同另有书面协议外,否则双方应立即完全解除依据本合同向另一方承担的义务,并说明本合同未曾生效。同时,建造方应向买方退还买方已支付的全部款项和按年利率( )%支付的利息。
第三十三条 完整的合同文件
日期: 年 月 日
应 船舶贸易公司和 造船厂(或造船公司以下合称为卖方)要求并鉴于你方同意按照你方与卖方于 年 月 日签订的工程编号为 ,载重量为 公吨的 船(以下简称本船)的建造合同(以下简称本合同)在交船前支付卖方各项款项,我方(担保方)特在此向你方保证卖方退还总额不超过 美元(USD )的款项。即根据本合同你方在交船前支付的本船合同价的第一期付款 美元整(USD ),本合同价的第二期付款 美元整(USD ),本合同价的第三期付款 美元(USD ),以及本合同价的第四期付款 美元(USD )。如上述款项或其一部分根据本合同有关条款应由卖方偿付而卖方未付,且你方是因交船期允许延迟而缓解合同,我方将支付卖方应付金额,但无利息。如延迟交船总计 天,你方根据本合同有关条款所述情况解除合同,我方将支付你方款项及利息,年利率为百分之 ( %),其他情况下年利率为百分之 ( %),在收到你方要求退款的有关书面要求后三十(30)个营业日之内,我方即支付上述款项。
上述还款我方将以美元形式支付你方已付的货币数额。本保函于卖方根据本合同在交船前收到你方的第一期付款时生效,本保函项下有效数额应与你方在本船交付前实际支付的总数额相符。但本保函所付数额无论如何不应超过上述你方付给卖方的实际金额,以及上述从卖方实际收到每笔分期付款开始到还款日为止所计的利息,年利率根据具体情况为百分之 ,( %)或 ( %)。
本保函有效期至本船交给买方及买方接受时止,或者依据本合同卖方或我方已向你方还款时止,或直到 日(根据本合同第十四条规定的交船期后第三十(30)天)止。上述情况取其发生在前者。此后你方须以航空件将此保函退至我方以示撤消。但在下述情况下:
(1)如本船仍在建造尚未完工,本保函有效期将延至 日(即本合同第十四条规定的交船期后 天),或延至本合同规定的交船及为你方接受的日期,如此日期在前,或者
银 行
日期: 年 月 日
(1)鉴于你方与买方 (以下简称买方)于 年 月
日签订了一艘载重量为 公吨 船,即船厂工程编号 船(以下简称本船)的销售合同(建造合同),我方作为第一债务人而不仅是担保方,特此不可撤消地、绝对地及无条件地保证,买方按时支付如下述(2)项规定的 美元( )合同总价中的第二、第三及第四期的所有款项。
(2)根据本合同条款,下述受保款项包括本船开工后三(3)个纽约银行日内买方应付的第二期款项,计 美元整( )以及本船第一只分段上船台后三(3)个纽约银行日内买方应付的第三期款项,以及本船下水后三(3)个纽约银行日内买方应付的第四期款项,计 美元整( )。
(3)作为第一债务人而不仅仅是担保方,我方亦不可撤消地、绝对地及无条件地保证按时支付每期受保违约款利息,利息按年利率百分之 ( %)自每期付款违约的当天起至该违约款付清日止计算。
(10)但根据本保函,我方付给你方的最大款项数额不超过总额 美元,即如下数额:
(a)本保函担保的第二期、第三期及第四期款项总计 美元,和
(b)年利率百分之 ( %)、为期六十(60)天的分期款项的利息 美元。
C.0 C.1 C.2 |
D.0 D.1 D.2 |
E.0 E.1 E.2 |
厂 商 表
2.建造方名称:全称地址和联系细则 船舶贸易公司(若有) 名称: 地址:
国家: 电话:( ) 传真:( ) 电子信箱: 造船公司(或船厂) 名称: 地址: 国家: 电话:( ) 传真:( ) 电子信箱: |
3.买方名称:全称地址和联系细则 名称: 地址:
国家: 电话:( ) 传真:( ) 电子信箱: |
A.主尺度: (i)总长(m) (ii)两柱间长(m) (iii)载重量DWT(mts) (iv)设计吃水(m) |
B1.载重量: (i)舱容量 (ii)装载量
B2.载箱量(说明集装箱数): (i)甲板上载箱总数 a.20′/40′/45′TEU b.冷藏箱数 (ii)舱内载箱总数 a.20′/40′/45′TEU b.冷藏箱数 |
C.主机: (i)制造商/机型: (ii)最大持续功率(千瓦数MCR) (iii)最大持续功率时的转速 (iv)最大持续功率时的油耗 |
D.航速: (i)在设计吃水(m)时的服务航速(kn)
6.船旗国 |
8.合同价格和币种 (a)价格 (b)币种 |
10.支付条款 首期付款 2期付款 3期付款 4期付款 末期付款 |
11.建造方银行账户细则 名称: 地址: 国家: 电话/传真: 电子信箱: 分类编号: 开户账号: 开户名称:
12.合同价格的调整(说明币种和限额) A.航速 (a)合同价格递减额: (b)最大递减额: (c)合同价格增加额: (d)最大增加额: |
B.载重量 (a)合同价格递减额: (b)最大递减额: (c)合同价格增加额: (d)最大增加额: |
C.舱容量 (a)合同价格递减额: (b)最大递减额: (c)合同价格增加额: (d)最大增加额:
D.油耗 (a)合同价格递减额: (b)最大递减额: (c)合同价格增加额: (d)最大增加额: |
E.延迟或提前交船补偿 (a)延迟每日金额: (c)提前每日金额: (b)最大递减额: (d)最大提前额:
F.其他(可选择) |
13.担保 (a)买方担保 (i)签约后日期数 (ii)买方分期付款/履约担保 (b)建造方担保 (i)签约后日期数
14.担保周期(说明月份数) (如超过12个月应予说明) |
16.中止和终止 (a)运作周期(说明日期数) (b)通知周期(说明日期数) |
17.适用法律和争议解决 (a)适用法律;(i)中国法律,或(ii)其他国家法律 (b)争议解决机构和地点:(i)中国海事仲裁委员会上海分会,或 (ii)其他海事仲裁机构和地点 |
20.说明履约完成日期数 |
22.附加选择权船的合同价格和交付日期 |
24.利息(说明利率) |
名称: 地址:
国家: 电话:( ) 传真:( ) 电子信箱: |
26.建造方担保人(说明相关银行或当事人的名称、地址全称 和联系细则) 名称: 地址:
国家: 电话:( ) 传真:( ) 电子信箱:
28.附加条款数 |
签署(买方) |
THIS CONTRACT, is made this (date) day of (month), (year), by and between, (full name of the BUYER), a corporation organized and existing under laws of (country or area of the BUYER), having its principal office at (country or city), as one party (hereinafter called the “BUYER” or “Principal”), and (full name of the shipbuilding trading company) a corporation organised and existing under laws of P.R. China, having its principal office at P.R. China as well as (full name of the shipbuilder) a corporation organized and existing under laws of P.R. China, having its principal office at P.R. China, together as the other party (hereinafter called the “SELLER” or “BUILDER”).
In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the SELLER agrees to design, build ,equip, launch and complete at the SELLER’s shipyard and to sell to the BUYER after accomplishment and successful trial of (type, name and number of the vessels), The technical Specifications will be described in Article I of the Contract. The VESSEL will be registered under the flag of (name of flag country). The BUYER agrees to purchase and take delivery of the aforesaid VESSEL from the SELLER and to pay for the same in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.
The Vessel shall be constructed at SELLER’s shipyard or the shipyard specified by the SELLERS and shall have the BUILDER’s Hull No: .
The VESSEL shall be constructed, equipped and completed in accordance with the following principal technical documentation:
(1) Specification (Drawing No. )
(2) General Arrangement (Drawing No. )
(3) Midship Section (Drawing No. )
(4) Makers list (Drawing No. )
The principal technical parameters of the VESSEL as per the Specifications are as below:
(1) Principal Paticulars and Dimensions of the VESSEL
Length overall abt. m
Length between perpendiculars m
Breadth, moulded m
Depth, moulded m
Designed Draft m
Speed knot
Deadweight t
Hold Capacity m3
(2) Propelling Machinery:
The VESSEL shall be equipped, in accordance with the Specifications, with set (s)
. of Main Engine of type with MCR kW and rated revolution rpm.
The technical parameters of the VESSEL shall be defined, measured, and approved in accordance with the “Specifications”:
(1) Speed
The Builder guarantees that the trial speed, after correction, is to be not less than nautical miles per hour on the trial condition of the weather and clean hull as stipulated in the Specifications. The speed shall be corrected for wind speed and shallow water effect with the method as specified in the Specifications.
(2) Deadweight
The term, “Deadweight”, as used in the Contract, shall be as defined in the Specifications.
The Builder guarantees that the VESSEL is to have a deadweight of not less than metric tons at the designed loaded draft of meters in sea water of 1.025t/ m3 specific gravity.
(3) Hold Capacity
The Builder guarantees that the VESSEL’s actual hold capacity is to be not less than m3 as specified in the Specifications.
(4) Fuel Oil Consumption
The Builder guarantees that the fuel oil consumption of the Main Engine at shop test is not to exceed grams/brake horse power/hour at normal continuous output at shop trial based on diesel fuel oil having a lower calorific value of kilocalories per kilogram.
(5) The actual speed, deadweight,hold capacity and fuel oil consumption of the VESSEL shall be measured by the BUILDER in the presence of the BUYER’s supervisor(s) or the Representative authorized by the BUYER for purpose of confirmation or approval.
Should there be any dispute between the BUILDER and the BUYER in such measurements, Classification Society shall be appointed to make remeasurements subject to the agreement by both parties. The result made by the Classification Society shall be final and binding to both parties.
1. The VESSEL, including its design construction inspection test and delivery shall conform to the rules , regulations and the conventions of (herein insert the “Classification Society”), and shall obtain the class notation of and shall also meet the requirements of the regulations and the rules of the flag authorities as below:
(1) The regulations and the rules having becoming effective on the date of the signing date of signing of the Contract, or
(2) The regulations and the rules which have not been effective while have been officially approved and published on the date of signing of the Contract and are to come into force pirot to the delivery of the VESSEL.
All the regulations, the rules and requirements of the flag authorities and the Classification Society shall be unconditionally met.
2. All the laws rules and regulations of the authorities shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto.
3. All fees and charges incidental to Classification and to comply with the rules, regulations and requirements of the Contract as described in the Specifications as well as royalties, if any, payable on account of the construction of the VESSEL shall be for the account of the BUILDER, except as otherwise provided and agreed herein.
The key plans, materials and workmanship entering into the construction of the VESSEL shall at all times be subject to inspections and tests in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Classification Society.
The design of the VESSEL shall be carried out by a design company in accordance with the Design Specifications based on the requirements of the BUYER. The design shall determine the performance and technical parameters of the VESSEL (including navigation areas and shipping course, ship type, trading purpose, nationality and class, propelling equipment, speed and reserved power, endurance, deadweight, hold capacity and accommodation facilities), as well as compliance with the rules and regulations of CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY and relevant authorities. A design contract shall be executed by the PARTIES for quality assurance and clarification of the obligations.
If the BUYER assigns design company from outside of China to design the VESSEL the BUYER shall enter into a design contract with this design company. Thereafter, the BUILDER enters into a subcontract with (the design company) for the detailed design and workshop design. In such event, the BUILDER shall undertake responsibility neither for any defect of the VESSEL and mistake arising from the design, or any deficiency of speed, deadweight, fuel oil consumption and hold capacity due to non-compliance with the relevant regulations and rules, nor for any extension of the Delivery Time of the VESSEL due to the delay in the delivery of the drawings.
If the design company is assigned by the BUILDER, the design contract shall be signed between the BUILDER and this design company. In such event, the BUILDER shall undertake responsibility for any defect of the VESSEL and mistake arising from the design, or any deficiency of speed, deadweight, fuel oil consumption and hold capacity due to non-compliance with the relevant regulations and rules, and for any extension of the Delivery Time of the VESSEL due to the delay in the delivery of the drawings.
The BUILDER shall, in accordance with the IMO Guidelines on Ship Recycling, with amendments in force as of the date of the Contract:
(1) Endeavour to take due account of the Vessel’s Recycling disposal when designing and constructing the Vessel;
(2) Maximizing the use of the materials of green, low carbon and being recycled safely and environmental friendly;
(3) Minimizing the use of the materials which have been known to be potentially hazardous to human health and the environment.
In consultation with equipment manufactures, the BUILDER will provide the Buyer with a Green Passport Statement of Compliance issued by the Classification Society containing information including the Vessel’s hull number and main particulars and listing any and all equipment and systems having been known to be potentially hazardous utilized in the construction of the Vessel.
The list of the materials which are potentially hazardous shall contain the location and the approximate quantity/volume of each material on board of the Vessel.
2. Protective Coating Standard
The Vessel’s double-side skin spaces and dedicated seawater ballast tanks shall be coated in accordance with the Specifications. The Protective Coating Standard should be in compliance with the applicable laws, regulations, rules and requirements of the Classification Society and the Regulatory Authorities.
3. Source of Origin
If so requested by the Buyer, the BUILDER shall identify the country of origin of the main components listed in the Maker’s List and Specifications.
The purchase price of the Vessel is (Amount and Currency, hereinafter called the “Contract Price”), net receivable by the BUILDER which is exclusive of the BUYER’s Supplies as provided in Article XI hereof, and shall be adjusted subject to Article VI under the Contract.
Any and all payments by the BUYER to the BUILDER under the Contract shall be made in
(Currency and Symbol).
The Contract Price shall be paid by the BUYER to the BUILDER in installments as follows:
(1) The 1st Installment:
The sum of United States Dollars (USD ), representing
. percent ( %) of the Contract Price, shall become due and payable and be paid by the BUYER concurrently within three (3) working days after the BUILDER issued the Letter of Refund Guarantee.
(2) The 2nd Installment:
The sun of United States Dollars (USD ), representing
. percent ( %) of the Contract Price, shall become due and payable and be paid within three (3) business days after the cutting of the first steel plate of the Vessel.
(3) The 3rd Installment:
The sun of United States Dollars (USD ), representing
. percent ( %) of the Contract Price, shall become due and payable and be paid within three (3) business days after keel-laying of the first section of the Vessel.
(4) The 4th Installment:
The sun of United States Dollars (USD ), representing
. percent ( %) of the Contract Price, shall become due and payable and be paid within three (3) business days after launching of the Vessel.
(5) The 5th Installment:
The sun of United States Dollars (USD ), representing
. percent ( %) of the Contract Price plus any increase or minus any decrease due to modifications and/or adjustments to the Contract Price in accordance with provisions of the relevant Article hereof, shall become due and payable and be paid by the BUYER to the BUILDER on date of delivery of the Vessel. The BUILDER shall send to the BUYER an email or facsimile demand for this installment ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date of delivery of the Vessel.
(6) The 6th Installment:
The sun of United States Dollars (USD ), representing
. percent ( %) of the Contract Price shall be paid within three (3) working days after the expiration of the guarantee period of the Vessel.
(1) 1st Installment:
The BUYER shall remit the amount of this installment to the receiving bank nominated by the BUILDER (to name the bank here), for credit to the account of the BUILDER, within three (3) business days after receiving notice in writing from the BUILDER which should also be confirmed and signed by the BUYER’s authorized representative (same as below) regarding effectiveness of the Contract.
(2) 2nd Installment:
The BUYER shall remit the amount of this installment to the receiving bank nominated by the BUILDER, for credit to the account of the BUILDER, within three (3) business days after receiving notice in writing from the BUILDER regarding cutting steel of the Vessel.
(3) 3rd Installment:
The BUYER shall remit the amount of this installment to the receiving bank nominated by the BUILDER, for credit to the account of the BUILDER, within three (3) business days after receiving notice in writing from the BUILDER regarding keel-laying of the Vessel.
(4) 4th Installment:
The BUYER shall remit the amount of this installment to the receiving bank nominated by the BUILDER, for credit to the account of the BUILDER, within three (3) business days after receiving notice in writing from the BUILDER regarding launching of the Vessel.
(5) 5th Installment (Payable upon delivery of the Vessel):
The BUYER shall, at least three (3) bank business days prior to the scheduled date of delivery of the Vessel, make a cash deposit with the bank nominated by the BUILDER, covering the amount of this installment as adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the Contract as agreed by the Parties hereto, with an irrevocable instruction that the said amount shall be released to the BUILDER against presentation by the BUILDER to the said Bank, of a copy of the Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance signed by the BUYER’s authorized representative and the SELLER. Interest, if any, accrued from such deposit, shall be for the benefit on the BUYER.
Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the BUYER shall not defer or refuse payment of any installment for the reason of any disputes or arguments of whatsoever nature between the Parties.
(6) The 6th Installment:
The BUYER shall remit the amount of this installment to the receiving bank nominated by the BUILDER, for credit to the account of the BUILDER within three (3) working days after receipt of the notice from the BUILDER stating the expiration of the guarantee period of the Vessel.
The BUYER shall have the obligation to make prepayment of any and all installments before delivery of the Vessel, by giving to the SELLER at least thirty (30) calendar days prior notice in writing, without any price adjustment of the Vessel for such prepayment.
The BUYER shall, concurrently when the Contract being signed, deliver to the BUILDER an irrevocable and unconditional Letter of Guarantee in the from annexed hereto as Exhibit “B” in favor of the BUILDER issued by a first class international bank (hereinafter called the “Guarantor”) acceptable to BUILDER’s bank and the BUILDER. This guarantee shall secure the BUYER’s obligation for the payment of all 2nd, 3rd and 4th installments of the Contract Price.
All payments made by the BUYER prior to delivery of the Vessel shall be in the nature of advance to the BUILDER, and in the event the Contract is rescinded or canceled by the BUILDER, all in accordance with the specific terms of the Contract permitting such rescission or cancellation, the BUILDER shall refund to the BUYER the full amount of all sums already paid by the BUYER to the BUILDER under the Contract, together with interest (at the rate set out in respective provision thereof) from the respective payment date(s) to the date of remittance by telegraphic transfer of such refund to the account specified by the BUYER.
As security to the BUYER, the BUILDER shall deliver to the BUYER, concurrently with the Contract being signed, a Refund Guarantee to be issued by (to name bank here) in the form as per ANNEX “A” annexed hereto.
The Contract Price of the VESSEL shall be adjusted subject to (1) the actual technical particulars different from the Specification and/or (2) the external changes in the market different from the situation when signing the Contract . It is mutually agreed by both parties that the said technical particulars refer to the speed, the deadweight, the hold capacity, the fuel consumption of the main engine, delivery time and other items, and the said external changes in the market refer to the price of major materials and exchange rate. It is understood by both parties that the adjustment of the Contract Price refer to the increase or reduction of the Contract Price and any adjustment of the Contract Price is by way of liquidated damages and not by way of penalty.
This Article specifies the amount of liquidated damages for the deficiency of abovementioned technical particulars and changes in the market as below.
(1) If the reduction of the speed (as determined by the sea trial after correction according to the Specifications, same is to apply to below) is less than three-tenths (3/10) of one knot below the guaranteed speed as specified in Paragraph 4 (1) of Article I, there shall be no adjustment of the Contract Price.
(2) However, if the reduction of the speed is greater than or equal to three-tenths (3/10) of one knot below the guaranteed speed as specified in Paragraph 3 (1) of Article I, the Contract Price shall be reduced as follows:
In case of reduction of less than 0.3 knot USD 0
In case of reduction
at or above 0.30 but below 0.40 knot USD
at or above 0.40 but below 0.50 knot USD
at or above 0.50 but below 0.60 knot USD
at or above 0.60 but below 0.70 knot USD
at or above 0.70 but below 0.80 knot USD
at or above 0.90 but below 1.00 knot USD
(3) If the reduction in speed is greater than 1 knot below the guaranteed speed, the BUYER shall at his own discretion either reject the VESSEL or cancel the Contract in accordance with Article XXVII, or may accept the VESSEL at a reduction in the Contract Price as above provided, by United States Dollars only (USD ) being the maximum.
(4) The BUILDER shall be entitled to carry out further sea trials after correcting the defects which result in the speed reduction to achieve the guaranteed speed as specified in the Specification.
(5) If the actual speed is more than the guaranteed speed as specified in the Specification, the BUYER shall provide bonus to the BUILDER as below method:
If the increase of the speed is less than three-tenths (3/10) of one knot more than the guaranteed speed, there shall be no adjustment of the Contract Price.
Thereafter the Contract Price shall be increased by USD for each one-tenths (1/10) of one knot more than the guaranteed speed, but the maximum amount shall not be more than United States Dollars (USD ).
(1) If the actual deadweight of the VESSEL at design draft determined in accordance with the Specifications is not less than 98% of the guaranteed deadweight ( metric ton), there shall be no adjustment of the Contract Price.
(2) The Contract Price shall be decreased by the sum of United States Dollars (USD ) for each full metric ton of such reduction being less than 98% of the guaranteed deadweight ( ) metric tons.
(3) If the reduction in the VESSEL’S actual deadweight is greater than metric tons below the guaranteed deadweight, the BUYER may, at its option, reject the VESSEL or cancel the Contract in accordance with the provisions of Article XVII of the Contract, or may accept the VESSEL with reduction in the Contract Price up to the maximum amount of United States Dollars (USD ).
(4) If the increase of actual deadweight of the VESSEL at design draft determined in accordance with the Specifications is less than 102% of the guaranteed deadweight ( metric ton), there shall be no adjustment of the Contract Price, while the Contract Price shall be increased by the sum of United States Dollars (USD ) for each full metric ton of such increase being more than 102% of the guaranteed deadweight ( ) metric tons. But the maximum amount increased shall not be more than United States Dollars (USD ).
(1) If the actual hold capacity of the VESSEL is not less than 98% of the guaranteed hold capacity as specified in the Specification, there shall be no adjustment of the Contract Price.
(2) If the actual hold capacity of the VESSEL is less than 98% of the hold capacity as specified in the Specification, then for each full cubic meter thereafter below the hold capacity, the Contract Price shall be reduced by the sum of USD for each full cubic meter as liquidated damages up to a maximum amount United States Dollars (USD )
(fractions of one percent to be prorated).
(3) If the reduction of the VESSEL’S actual hold capacity is greater than below the hold capacity as specified in the Specification, the BUYER may reject the VESSEL or cancel the Contract.
(4) If the actual hold capacity of the VESSEL is more than 102% of the hold capacity as specified in the Specification, then for each full cubic meter thereafter above the hold capacity, the Contract Price shall be increased by the sum of United States Dollars (USD ) for each cubic meter. But the maximum amount increased shall not be more than United States Dollars (USD ) (proportionally the amount less than 1 cubic meter can be exempted).
(1) If the actual fuel consumption of the Main Engine, as determined on the test bed is equal to or less than five percent (5%) of the guaranteed fuel consumption as specified under the provision of the Contract and the Specifications, there shall be no adjustment of the Contract Price.
(2) However, if the actual fuel consumption as determined by the test bed is greater than five percent (5%) above the guaranteed fuel consumption then, the Contract Price shall be reduced by the sum of United States Dollars (USD) for each whole percentage (1%) increase in fuel consumption in excess of the above said five (5%) (fractions of one percent to be prorated).
(3) If as determined by test bed such actual fuel consumption of the Main Engines is greater than ten percent (10%). i.e. gram/bhp/h in excess of the guaranteed fuel consumption, the BUYER may reject the main engine or reject the VESSEL or cancel the Contract or may accept the VESSEL at a reduction in the Contract Price but the maximum reduction shall not be more than United States Dollars (USD ).
(1) There shall be no adjustment of the Contract Price for the first thirty (30) days of delay in delivery of the VESSEL beyond the Delivery Date as defined in Article XIV hereof ending as of twelve o’clock midnight of the thirtieth (30th) day of delay.
(2) If the delivery of the VESSEL is delayed more than thirty (30) days after the Delivery Date as defined in Article XIV hereof, then, in such event, beginning at twelve o’clock midnight of the thirtieth (30th ) day after the date on which delivery is required under the Contract, the Contract Price of the VESSEL shall be reduced by deducting the sum of United States Dollars
(USD ) per day.
Unless the parties hereto agree otherwise, the total reduction in the Contract Price shall be deducted from the fifth installment of the Contract Price and in any event (including the event that the BUYER consents to take the VESSEL at the later delivery date after the expiration of
. days delay of delivery shall not be more than days at the above specified rate of reduction, that is United States Dollars (USD ) being the maximum.
(3) If the delay in the delivery exceeds ( ) days (being the total of permissible and non-permissible Delays) after the Delivery Date as defined in Article XIV, in such event, the BUYER may, at its option, terminate or cancel the Contract in accordance with the provisions of Article XIII. The BUILDER may at any time after the expiration of the aforementioned
( ) days, if the BUYER has not served notice of cancellation pursuant to Article X, notify the BUYER of the date upon which the SELLER estimates the VESSEL will be ready for delivery and demand in writing that the BUYER make an election, in which case the BUYER shall, within thirty (30) days after such demand is received by the BUYER, either notify the SELLER of its decision to cancel the Contract, or consent to take delivery of the VESSEL at an agreed future date, it being understood and agreed by the parties hereto that, if the VESSEL is not delivered by such future date, the BUYER shall have the same right of cancellation upon the same terms, as herein provided.
(4) The delivery of the VESSEL shall not be deemed delayed and the Contract Price shall not be reduced for any period when the Delivery Date of the VESSEL is extended by reason of causes and provisions of Articles XI, XIII. The Contract Price shall not be adjusted or reduced if the delivery of the VESSEL is delayed by reason of permissible delays as defined in Article XV hereof.
(5) If the delivery of the VESSEL shall be made earlier than the Delivery Date as stipulated in Article XIV, the BUILDER shall notify the BUYER and that such notification shall be given not less than ( ) days prior to the newly planned delivery date. A certain amount of bonus shall be given by the BUYER to the BUILDER as follows:
In the event that the delivery shall be made within fifteen (15) days earlier than the Delivery Date, the Contract Price shall remain unchanged. In the event that the delivery shall be made more than fifteen (15) days earlier than the specified Delivery Date, then a bonus shall be added to the Contract Price at a rate of United States Dollars Only (USD ) per day for each full day earlier than the fifteenth (15th) day prior to the Delivery Date. The total increase of the Contract Price for the earlier delivery shall be added to the fifth instalment of the Contract Price. While the maximum amount increased shall not be more than United States Dollars Only (USD )
If the actual delivery time is after the Delivery Date as specified in Article XIV and before the permissible extended delivery date, the BUILDER shall not be entitled to be given bonus as specified in above paragraph 5 (5).
(6) In the event that the BUILDER is unable to deliver the VESSEL on the newly planned delivery date as declared, the VESSEL can, nevertheless, be delivered by the BUILDER at a date after such declared newly planned date.
In such circumstances, and for the purpose of determining the liquidated damages to the BUYER (according to the provisions of Paragraph 1 (1) of this Article) and the BUYER’s right to cancel the Contract (according to the provisions of Paragraph 1 (3) of this Article), the newly planned delivery date declared by the BUILDER shall not be in any way be treated or be taken as having substituted the original Delivery Date as defined in Article XIV. The BUYER’s aforesaid right for liquidated damages and to cancel the Contract shall be exercised to the extent as described in Paragraph 4 (1), 4 (2) and/or 4 (3) of Article XIII.
In whatever circumstances, the Delivery Date as defined in Article VII (not the newly planned delivery date as declared by the BUILDER) shall be used to exercise the BUYER’s right for liquidated damages and to rescind the Contract and the BUILDER’s liability to pay the aforesaid liquidated damages resulting from the delay in delivery of the VESSEL as specified in paragraph 5 (1), 5 (2), and 5 (3).
If the actual delivery time is after the declared newly planned date and before the Delivery Date as specified in Article XIV, the BUILDER shall be entitled to be given bonus as specified in above paragraph 5 (5).
The major materials and equipment referred in this paragraph refer to steels and main propulsion equipment.
The Contract Price of this VESSEL is determined by the market price (basic price) of steels and main propulsion equipment when signing the Contract.
If the price difference between the actual purchase price contracted between the BUILDER and the suppliers is % higher than the basic price, the price difference shall be shared by both parties with the BUILDER undertaking % and the BUYER undertaking %.
As the construction will last for a long time and the fluctuation of the exchange rate between USD and RMB may cause relevant financial changes of the parties, it is agreed that the exchange rate published by Bank of China on the date when the Contract signed will be deemed as a reference, any price difference due to the fluctuation when paying each installment should be shared by 50% by each party. The maximum of the exchange rate fluctuation shall not exceed 2% of the Contract Price, the part more than 2% should be borne by the BUYER.
The purpose of setting aside this clause is to allow the parties to insert special technical requirements for a particular type of vessel and adjustment of the Contract Price arising from the changes (failure to meet or exceeding) in the values of the said special technical requirements.
Any adjustment of the Contract Price made as per Paragraph 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6 of this article shall be specified in writing before the payment of the 5th installment.
It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that in any case as stated above, if the BUYER rescinds or cancel the Contract pursuant to any provision under this Article, the BUYER shall be entitled to have its rights and compensation as set out in Article XXVII hereof shall not be entitled to any liquidated damage or compensation whether described above or otherwise.
All taxes, if any, including stamp duties, incurred in connection with this Contract in the People’s Republic of China shall be borne by the BUILDER. The BUILDER shall bear all taxes and/or duties imposed upon the equipment and facilities procured by the BUILDER in the People’s Republic of China for the construction of the VESSEL.
The BUILDER shall indemnify the BUYER for, and hold it harmless against, any duties imposed in the People’s Republic of China upon material and equipment which under the terms of the Contract and/or the Specifications will, or may be, supplied by the BUYER from the abroad for installation in the VESSEL as well as any duties imposed in the People’s Republic of China upon running stores, provisions and supplies furnished by the BUYER from abroad to be stocked on board the VESSEL and also the duties or taxed if any, to be imposed upon the export of the VESSEL as a whole or upon any of its parts or equipment.
Any tax of duty other than those described hereinabove, if any, shall be borne by the BUYER.
The BUILDER shall send to the BUYER (or its representatives) three (3) copies of plans drawings and technical documents for the BUYER’s approval as required in the Specification, Within fourteen (14) running days upon receipt by the BUYER or twenty-one (21) running days upon dispatch by the BUILDER, whichever is earlier, the BUYER shall return to the BUILDER one copy of such documentation with the BUYER’s approval or approval with remarks. In the event that the BUYER fails to return such documentation to the BUILDER within the above-designated period of time the said documentation shall be deemed to have been completely approved by the BUYER, unless an extension is requested in writing by the BUYER with the written consent of the BUILDER.
If the BUYER returns such documentation with remarks to the BUILDER within the above –designated period of time and such remarks are of a nature or substance constitute necessary modifications, the BUILDER shall commence or continue construction of the VESSEL in accordance with the modified drawings and technical documents. In the event that the BUYER’s remarks are unclear or unspecified, the BUILDER shall have the right to make construction in its own interpretation.
A Makers List is attached with the Specifications, which is a list of the suppliers recommended by the BUILDER and to be known by the BUYER. Within ten (10) running days upon receipt by the BUYER or fifteen (15) running days upon notification by the BUILDER, whichever is shorter, the BUYER shall give a prior written request for alternative suppliers with sufficient reasons.
The BUILDER may, at its sole discretion, choose any of the suppliers who are approved by the BUYER. In the event that the BUYER prefer to a supplier other than the one preferred by the BUILDER (whether recommended by the BUILDER or not) and such preference affects the cost, the BUILDER shall notify the BUIDER of the cost changed. Within ten (10) running days upon receipt by the BUYER or fifteen (15) running days upon notification by the BUILDER, whichever is shorter, the BUYER shall have the right to notify the BUILDER of its insistence on the decision. In such event, the cost to be adjusted shall be added into or deducted from the CONTRACT PRICE. Should the BUYER take no measure or give up its decision, the BUILDER shall, at its sole discretion and under its guarantee obligation, choose any one of the recommended suppliers.
It is agreed by the parties that all communications relating to the VESSEL with the BUILDER’s suppliers shall be carried out by the BUILDER. The BUYER shall use its best efforts to approve the documentation related soonest within the above-designated time Such approval shall not diminish the BUILDR’s responsibility for the VESSEL.
A prior written consent by the BUYER shall be obtained if the BUILDER turns to other makers not included in the Maker List.
The parties shall make a list of all the plans and drawings, which are to be sent to the BUYER for approval (hereinafter called “the LIST”) within running days after signing of the Contract. Before arrival of the Supervisor at the BUILDER’s Shipyard, the plans and the drawings specified in the LIST shall be sent to the BUYER and the BUYER shall, within ( ) days after receipt thereof (excluding mailing time), return such plans and drawings submitted by the BUILDER with approval or remarks.
Concurrently with the arrival of the Supervisor at the BUILDER’s shipyard, the BUYER shall notify the BUILDER in writing, stating the authority which the said Supervisor shall have on behalf of the BUYER, to approve or disapprove those of the plans and drawings specified in the LIST which have not yet been sent to the BUYER. The Supervisor shall, within ( ) days after receipt thereof, return those plans and drawings with approval or remarks.
Unless notification is given to the BUILDER by the Supervisor or the BUYER of approval or disapproval of any plans and drawings within the above-designated period of time for each case, the said plans and drawings shall be deemed to have been automatically approved.
The plans and drawings approved by the BUYER Supervisor shall be final, and any alteration thereof shall be regarded as modification specified in Article XII of the Contract.
(1) The drawings and the Specifications have been signed by the parties on or before the effective date of the Contract and shall form an integral part of the Contract and have the same effect as the Contract.
(2) In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of the Contract and the Drawings and the Specifications, the provisions of the Contract shall prevail, without prejudice to the full effect of the drawings and the Specifications under other circumstances. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the drawings and the Specifications, the Specifications shall prevail. Any work required by the Specifications but not shown in the drawings, or shown in the drawings but not required by the Specifications, shall be accomplished by the BUILDER as if is a part of the Contract. Once finding any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of the Contract and the drawings and the Specifications or between the drawings and the Specifications, one party shall promptly give the other party a written notice.
(3) In the event of any modification or change on the Specifications agreed by the parties after the effective date of the Contract, which may lead to the inconsistency or conflict between the Specifications and the drawings, such modification or change shall prevail.
The BUYER shall send in good time to and maintain at the BUILDER’s Shipyard, at the BUYER’s own cost and expense, one or more representative (s) (hereinafter called the “Supervisor”), who shall be duly appointed in writing by the BUYER to supervise and inspect the construction of the VESSEL, her engines and accessories. The BUILDER shall be liable for obtaining of the necessary visa for the Supervisor to enter China or the BUILDER’s Shipyard. The Supervisor shall ensure his observance of the rules, regulations and laws of the People’s Republic of China. The BUYER undertakes to give the SELLER an adequate notice for the application of the visa.
The necessary inspection of the VESSEL, her machinery, equipment and out fittings shall be carried out by the Classification Society and inspection team of the BUYER’s throughout the entire period of construction in order to ensure that the construction of the VESSEL is duly performed in accordance with the Contract and the Specifications.
The Supervisor shall have, at all time until delivery of the VESSEL, the right to attend tests according to the mutually agreed test list and inspect the VESSEL, her engines, accessories and materials at the BUILDER’s Shipyard, its subcontractors or any other place where work is done or materials stored in connection with the VESSEL. In the event that the Supervisor discovers that any construction or material or workmanship does not or will not conform to the requirements of the Contract and the Specifications, the Supervisor shall promptly give the BUILDER a notice in writing as to such non-conformity, upon receipt of which the BUILDER shall correct such nonconformity if the BUILDER agrees with the Supervisor. Should the BUILDER disagree to the Supervisor’s comments, the BUILDER shall provide with reasons and explanations or discuss with the Supervisor for solution. Should there be no agreement reached, such dispute shall be submitted to Classification Society for solution, such solution made by the Classification Society shall be final binding to both parties. In such event, the BUILDER may proceed with construction. The BUYER undertakes and ensures the BUILDER that the Supervisor shall carry and usual shipbuilding practice and in a way as to minimize any increase in building costs and delays in the construction of the VESSEL.
The BUILDER shall provide, free of charge, the Supervisor with office accommodation, and other necessary facilities at or near the BUILDER’s Shipyard. At all times, during the construction of the VESSEL until delivery thereof, the Supervisor shall be given unimpeded access to the VESSEL, her engines and accessories, and anywhere else where the work on, or the materials are being processed or stored, in connection with the construction of the VESSEL, including the BUILDER’s yards, workshops, warehouses and its subcontractor’s premises for working or storing materials in connection with the VESSEL’s construction. The travel expenses to the subcontractor’s premises outside of the city shall be at the BUYER’s account. The transportation for the Supervisor in the city shall be offered by the BUILDER.
The Supervisor engaged by the BUYER under the Contract shall at all times be deemed to be the employee of the BUYER. The BUILDER shall be under no liability to the BUYER, or to the Supervisor or to the BUYER’s employees or agents for personal injuries (including death), which incur on the VESSEL or/and within the premises of the BUILDER or its subcontractors while they or one of them is engaging in the construction of the VESSEL, unless such personal injuries (including death) were caused by gross negligence of the BUILDER, or of any of the BUILDRS’s employees or agents or subcontractors. Nor shall the BUILDER be under any liability for damage, loss or destruction on the properties in China of the Supervisor, the BUYER’s employees or agents, unless such damage, loss or destruction was under gross negligence of the BUILDER, or of any of the BUILDER’s employees or agents or sub-contractors.
All salaries and daily expenses of the Supervisor or any other employees appointed by the BUYER shall be for the BUYER’s account in accordance with this article.
The BUYER has the right to request the BUILDER for a monthly report of the construction progress during the construction of the VESSEL.
The BUILDER has the right to request the BUYER in writing to replace the Supervisor who is deemed to be unsuitable and unsatisfactory for inspection on the progress of the construction of the VESSEL. If necessary, the BUYER may send its representative to the BUILDER’s yard for investigation. Once such request of the BUILDER is justified by the BUYER, the BUYER shall make the replacement as soon as practicable.
The BUILDER may, at its sole discretion and responsibility, subcontract any portion of the construction work of the VESSEL to qualified and experienced subcontractors as set out in the Specifications of the Maker’s List, but delivery and final assembly into the VESSEL of any such work subcontracted shall be at the BUILDER’s Shipyard. The BUILDER shall remain fully responsible for due performance of such subcontracted work…
(1) The BUYER shall, at its own risk, cost and expenses, supply to the BUILDER the items as specified in the Specifications (hereinafter called the “BUYER’S SUPPLIES”) in appropriate time during the construction of the VESSEL. Such items shall be delivered at a warehouse or other storage facilities at the Shipyard as set out in the Specifications in a proper condition ready for installation on the VESSEL.
(2) To assist installation, the BUYER shall provide the BUILDER with the necessary documentation including specifications, drawings, instruction books, manuals, test reports and others required to comply with all applicable rules and regulations. If so requested by the BUILDER, the BUYER shall, at no cost to the BUILDER, arrange for the representatives of the manufacturers of the BUYER’S SUPPLIES to assist the BUILDER in installation or to carry out the installation of the BUYER’S SUPPLIES by themselves, or to carry out commission at the Shipyard.
(3) The BUILDER may reject any and all of the BUYER’S SUPPLIES if found to be unsuitable or in improper condition for installation. But if required by the BUYER, the BUILDER may make repair of adjustment of the BUYER’S SUPPLIES, which shall neither affect any other rights of the BUILDER under the Contract, nor shall constitute any bearing by the BUILDER of the consequences raised thereafter. In such event, the BUYER shall pay to the BUILDER all costs arising from the repair or adjustment and the delivery of the VESSEL shall automatically be extended for a period of time taken for such repair or adjustment.
(4) Should the BUYER fail to deliver to the BUILDER the BUYER’S SUPPLIES within the specified time, the delivery of the VESSEL shall automatically be extended for a period of such delay, which the BUYER shall be liable for. In such event, the BUYER shall pay to the BUILDER all losses sustained by the BUILDER due to such delay and such payment shall be made upon delivery of the VESSEL.
If delay in delivery of the BUYER’S SUPPLIES exceeds thirty (30) days, the BUILDER shall have the right to proceed with the construction of the VESSEL without the installation of such delayed items. The BUYER shall accept and take delivery of the VESSEL so constructed, without prejudice to any other rights of the BUILDER.
The BUILDER shall store and properly handle the BUYER’S SUPPLIES after delivery to the Shipyard and install them on the VESSEL. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the BUILDER shall not be responsible for the quality and performance of the BUYER’s SUPPLIES.
The Specification and/or drawings to which the VESSEL is built can be modified or changed at any time provided that the parties reach agreement and if in the BUILDER’s reasonable judgement, such modifications or changes or accumulated modifications will not adversely affect the BUILDER’s other commitments, and the BUYER shall agree as below provided to the adjustment of the Contract Price, extension of the Delivery Time and other terms of the Contract (if any). Subject to above conditions, the BUILDER shall use the best efforts to accommodate the BUYER’s reasonable request so that the said changes and/or modifications shall be made at reasonable costs and within the period of time as short as possible.
Such agreements on the modifications or changes shall refer to an agreement on the increase or decrease, if any, in the Contract Price of the VESSEL and an agreement as to any extension or reduction in the time for delivery, and furthermore to provide an additional guarantee to the BUILDER to the BUILDER’s satisfaction, or an agreement as to any other alternations in the Contract or an agreement on the modification of the Specification arising from the changes. The agreements as to the changes and modifications to the Specifications pursuant to the foregoing shall be effective by exchanges of such documents or other written documents and shall constitute an amendment to Specification and shall be deemed to be a part of the Contract and Specification. Upon agreements as to the changes and/or modifications to the Specifications have been reached, the BUILDER shall alter the construction of the VESSEL in accordance therewith, including any additions to, or reductions from the work to be performed in connection with such construction. If the parties fail to agree on the adjustment to the Contract Price, or extension of the delivery time or providing additional guarantee to the BUILDER or modifications to the Contract, the BUILDER is not obliged to undertake any request from the BUYER for modifications.
(1) If, after the date of signing the Contract, any requirements as to the rules and regulations as specified in the Contract and the Specifications to which the construction of the VESSEL is required to conform, are modified or changed by the Classification Society or the other regulatory authorities to make such modifications or changes, the BUYER or the BUILDER, upon receipt of the notice thereof, shall transmit such information in full to each other in writing, whereupon within( ) days after receipt of the said notice by the BUYER form the BUILDER or vice versa, the BUYER shall instruct the BUILDER in writing as to the modifications or changes, if any, to be made in the VESSEL which the BUYER, in its sole discretion, shall decide. The SELLER shall promptly comply with such modifications or changes, if any in the construction of the VESSEL, provided that the BUYER shall first agree:
(a) to any increase or decrease in the Contract Price of the VESSEL occasioned by the cost for such modifications and changes; and/or
(b) to any extension in the delivery time of the VESSEL due to such modifications and changes; and/or
(c) to any increase or decrease in the guaranteed deadweight and speed of the VESSEL, if modifications and changes results in increased or reduced deadweight and speed; and/or
(d) to any other modifications in the terms of the Contract or of Specifications or both
(e) to the additional guarantee provided by the BUYER to the BUILDER’s satisfaction due to the increase of the Contract Price.
Agreement as to such modifications or changes under this Paragraph shall be made in the same manner as provided above for modifications and/or changes of the Specifications and/or Plans.
(2) If, due to whatever reasons, the parties shall fail to agree on the adjustment of the Contract Price or extension of the delivery time or increase or decrease of the guaranteed speed, deadweight, or providing additional security to the BUILDER or any modifications of the terms of the Contract, the BUILDER shall be entitled to proceed with the construction of the VESSEL in accordance with the terms of the Contract and Specifications without making any such modifications or changes and the BUYER shall abide by the Contract and the Specifications without such modifications or changes.
(3) Even if the BUILDER and the BUYER fail to agree on the adjustment of the Contract Price or extension of the delivery time due to the modifications to meet the compulsory rules and regulations, the BUILDER shall proceed with such modifications as required by the said rules and regulations while the BUILDER is entitled to reserve the right by stating in writing the adjustment of the Contract Price or extension of the delivery time. Such dispute shall be settled as per Article XXVI of the Contract.
In the event that any of the materials and/or equipment required by the Specifications and the Contract for the construction of the VESSEL cannot be procured in time to meet the delivery time of the VESSEL, the BUILDER may, with providing adequate evidence and subject to the approval by the BUYER in writing, supply other materials and/or equipment of the equivalent quality, and meeting the requirements of the Classification Society and of the rules and the regulations with which the construction of the VESSEL must comply.
The BUILDER shall, after obtaining the certificate for sea trails, give the BUYER and the supervisors at least thirty (30) calendar days prior notice of the estimated date and seven (7) definite days prior notice in writing of the time and place of the sea trial to be carried out as per the specification and the BUYER and the supervisors shall promptly acknowledge the receipt of such notice. The representative of the BUYER and/or the supervisor shall be present to witness such trials and approve the performance thereof during the sea trials. Failure of the BUYER’s representative to be present in time at the trials after such notice to the BUYER, the Delivery Date of the VESSEL shall be extended by the period of delay caused by such failure of the BUYER’s representative delays to attend such trails. If the absence of the BUYER’s representative causes the delay in the sea trials more than seven (7) days, the BUYER shall be deemed to have waived the right to be present at the trials, and the BUILDER may conduct the sea trials without the BUYER’s representative being onboard, and in such circumstances, the BUYER shall be obliged to accept the VESSEL on the basis of a certificate jointly signed by the BUILDER and the Classification after the sea trails and minor corrections and remedies as mentioned in this Article certifying that the VESSEL conforms to the requirements of the Contract and the Specification with satisfaction in all respects. The BUILDER shall make all necessary arrangements for the visa of the BUYER’s representative, otherwise the sea trials shall be postponed until the BUYER’s representative arrives in the shipyard, and any resulting delay in delivery of the VESSEL shall not be deemed as a Permissible Delay. But in case the nationality and the personal particulars of the BUYER’s representative are not acceptable to the BUILDER as per current regulation and/or law of the People’s Republic of China, the BUYER shall immediately replace this representative or other representative as per the BUILDER’s request. The parties understand that the weather conditions of the area where the sea trials are to be carried out is momentarily changeable without advance warning, therefore if the sea trials are interrupted or prevented by the sudden unfavorable weather conditions, the parties shall agree to stop the sea trials and postpone the sea trials until the first favorable day thereafter when weather conditions permit. Unless otherwise the parties agree in writing that the BUYER accepts the VESSEL on the basis of the results achieved in the sea trials prior to sudden change in the weather conditions. The resulting delay due to the bad weather conditions shall be deemed as Permissible Delay as described by the Contract.
(a) All expenses in connection with the sea trials be for the BUILDER’s costs and expenses. The BUILDER shall arrange necessary crews onboard to meet safety requirements during sea trials. The sea trials shall be conducted as per the requirements of the Specification and comply with the requirements of the Specification.
The course of the sea trials shall be determined by the BUILDER and the sea trials shall be conducted in the area equipped with speed measuring facilities.
(b) To meet the conditions for sea trial as stipulated in the Specification, the BUILDER shall furnish water and fuel oil with exception of lubricating oil and hydraulic oil which shall be supplied by the BUYER. The said provision by the parties shall comply with the requirements of the applicable engine Specification. All the costs of the water, bunkers, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil and grease consumed during the sea trials shall be for the BUILDER’s account.
In addition to the provisions as required by this Article, the BUILDER shall for the BUILDER’s account provide fresh water and the stores for the sea trials to have the VESSEL achieve the ballast conditions (with fresh water, sea water of other stores as may be required) as specified by the Specifications for reaching the load draft.
(a) The BUYER or the BUYER’s representative, within six (6) working days after receiving the notice from the BUILDER of the completion of the sea trials, shall notify the BUILER in writing of its acceptance for delivery or rejection of the VESSEL together with reasons therefore.
(b) However, should the results of the sea trials demonstrate that the VESSEL or any part or equipment therefore does not conform to the requirements of the Specification, the BUILDER shall together with the BUYER’s representative inspect the cause of such non-conformity and the BUILDER shall take all necessary steps to rectify such non-conformity. If necessary the BUILDER shall for its own cost and expense carry out further sea trial. If the BUILDER notifies the BUYER of the completion of the deficiencies and the new sea trial, the BUYER, within six (6) working days after receiving the said notice from the BUILDER, shall notify the BUILDER in writing of its acceptance for delivery or rejection of the VESSEL together with reasons therefore.
(c) If the BUYER fails to notify the BUILDER in writing of its acceptance or rejection of the VESSEL together with reasons therefore with reasons within six (6) working days as stipulated in above item (a) and (b), the BUYER shall be deemed to have accepted the VESSEL.
(d) If the parties disputes any results of the sea trials and tests, the disputes shall be resolved in accordance with Article XXVI for arbitration.
(e) The BUYER shall not reject to take delivery of the VESSEL due to its remarks made after the sea trials and/or further sea trial. While the BUILDER shall remove the remarks (if such remarks are acceptable to the BUILDER) before effecting delivery of the VESSEL to the BUYER under the Contract.
Upon taking delivery of the VESSEL, the BUYER shall reimburse the BUILDER in the manner as stipulated in 3 (5) and 4 (5) under Article V at current price same as the one in the delivery port for any quantities of the bunkers, fresh water and other consumable stores remaining onboard after sea trial.
The BUILDER shall reimburse the BUYER in the manner as stipulated in 3 (5) and 4 (5) under Article V for any quantities of lubricating oil and hydraulic oil actually consumed during sea trials at same price as the BUYER purchased.
The BUYER’s written notification of acceptance of the VESSEL delivered to the BUILDER as above stipulated, shall be final and binding provided the VESSEL conforms to the Specifications, and the BUYER is not entitled to refuse the BUILDER’s request to deliver the VESSEL provided that the BUILDER complies with all other conditions for delivery as above set forth.
Subject to Article XIII after the sea trials (or possible new sea trials) and the acceptance by the BUYER, the VESSEL shall be delivered on or before safely afloat by the BUILDER to the BUYER at the BUILDER’s shipyard in accordance with the Specifications and with all Classification and Statutory Certificates provided that. In the even of delays in the construction of the VESSEL or any performance required under the Contract due to causes which under the terms of the Contract permit extension of the delivery time, the aforementioned delivery time of the VESSEL shall be extended accordingly.
Abovementioned date or such later date to which delivery is extended pursuant to the terms of the Contract is hereinafter called the “Delivery Date”.
Provided that the BUYER and the BUILDER have fulfilled all of their respective obligations as stipulated in the Contract, delivery of the VESSEL shall be effected forthwith by the concurrent delivery by each of the parties hereto, one to the other, of the Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance, acknowledging delivery of the VESSEL by the BUILDER and acceptance thereof by the BUYER, and the said Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance shall be prepared in quadruplicate and executed by each of the parties hereto after signing.
Upon delivery and acceptance of the VESSEL by the BUYER, the BUILDER shall provide to the BUYER the following documents together with the aforementioned Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance:
(1) Protocol of Trials made by the BUILDER pursuant to the Specifications.
(2) Protocol of Inventory and Equipment of the VESSEL including spare parts and the like, all as specified in the Specifications, made by the BUILDER.
(3) Protocol of Surplus Consumable Stores made by the BUILDER.
(4) Finished Drawings and Plans pertaining to the VESSEL as stipulated in the Specifications, made by the BUILDER.
(5) Protocol of Deadweight and Inclining Experiment, made by the BUILDER.
(6) All below certificates required to be furnished upon delivery of the VESSEL pursuant to the Contract and as provided in the Specifications.
Certificates shall be issued by relevant Authorities or Classification Society. The VESSEL shall comply with the above rules and regulations which are in force at the time of signing the Contract. All the certificates shall be delivered in one (1) original to the VESSEL and two (2) copies to the BUYER.
If the complete certificate or certificates are unable to be issued at the time of delivery by the Classification Society or any third party other than the BUILDER, then the BUYER shall accept the interim certificate or certificates as issued by the Classification Society or the third party other than the BUILDER, provided that the full final certificates shall be furnished by the BUILDER before the expiry of the interim certificate or certificates.
(7) Declaration of Warranty issued by the BUILDER that the VESSEL is delivered to the BUYER free and clear of any liens, charges, claims, mortgages, or other encumbrances upon the BUYES’s title thereto, and in particular, that the VESSEL is absolutely free of all burdens in the nature lf imposts, duties, taxes or charges imposed by the province or country of the port of delivery, as well as of all liabilities of the BUILDER to its sub-contractors, employees and crews and/or all liabilities arising from the operation of the VESSEL in trial run or trial runs, or otherwise, prior to delivery.
(8) Commercial Invoice made by the BUILDER.
(9) Bill of Sale made by the BUILDER.
If there are few outstanding items which don’t affect the safety and navigation of the VESSEL when delivery of the VESSEL, the parties shall list the quantity of the outstanding items and date to complete these items. All outstanding items shall be completed within four (4) days after delivery of the VESSEL, which shall be recorded in the delivery documents. Such outstanding items shall not affect the delivery of the VESSEL and the BUYER shall take delivery of the VESSEL.
If, at any time before actual delivery, either the construction of the VESSEL, or any performance required hereunder as a prerequisite of delivery of the VESSEL, is delayed due to war. blockade, revolution, insurrection, mobilization, civil commotions, riots, strikes, sabotage, lock-outs, epidemics, epidemics, abnormal weather conditions, typhoon, or other causes beyond the control of the BUILDER or of its sub-contractors for instance the long restriction of electric current from an outside source and the defects of casting and forging components, as the case may be. And other or by force majeure of any description, whether of the nature indicated by the forgoing or not, or by destruction of the BUILDER or works of the BUILDER or its sub-contractors, or of the VESSEL or any part thereof ,by fire, flood, or other causes beyond the control of the SELLER or its sub-con-tractors as the case may be, or due to the bankruptcy of the equipment and/or material supplier or suppliers, then, in the event of delay due to the happening of any of the aforementioned contingencies, the Seller shall not be liable for such delay and the time for delivery of the VESSEL under this Contract shall be extended without any reduction in the Contract Price for a period of time which shall not exceed the total accumulated time of all such delays, subject nevertheless to the BUYER,s right of cancellation and subject however to all relevant provisions of this Contract which authorize and permit extension of the time of delivery of the VESSEL.
Within seven (7)days from the date of commencement of any delay on account of which the SELLER claims that it is entitled under this Contract to an extension of the time for delivery of the VESSEL, the SELLER shall advise the BUYER by telex confirmed in writing, of the date such delay commenced, and the reasons therefore.
Likewise within seven(7)days after such delay ends, the SELLER shall advise the BUYER in writing or by telex confirmed in writing of the date such delay ended, and also shall specify the maximum period of the time by which the date for delivery of the VESSEL is extended by reason of such delay. Failure of the BUYER to acknowledge of SELLER,s notification of any claim for extension of the Delivery Date within thirty (30)days after receipt by the BUYER of such notification, shall be deemed to be a waiver by the BUYER of its right to object to such extension,.
If the total accumulated time of all permissible delays and non-permissible delays aggregate to_____days or more, excluding delays due to arbitration as provided for in Article XVI here of due to default in performance by the BUYER, of due to delays in delivery of the BUYER,s supplied items, and excluding delays due to cause which, under Article V, VI, XI, and XII hereof, permit extension or postponement of the time for delivery of the VESSEL, then in such event, the BUYER may in accordance with the provisions set out herein cancel this Contract by serving upon the SELLER telexed notice of cancellation which shall be confirmed in writing and the provisions of Article X of this Contract shall apply. The SELLER may, at any time, after the accumulated time of the aforementioned delays justifying cancellation by the BUYER as above provided for, demand in writing that the BUYER shall make an election, in which case the BUY-ER shall, within thirty(30)days after such demand is received by the BUYER either notify the SELLER of its. Intention to cancel, or consent to an extension of the time of delivery to an agreed future date, it being understood and agreed by the parties hereto that if any further delay occurs on account of causes justifying cancellation as specified in this Contract, the BUYER shall have the same right of cancellation upon the same terms as hereinabove provided.
Delays on account of such causes as provided for in Paragraph 1 of this Article, but excluding any other extensions of a nature which under the terms of this Contract permit postponement of the Delivery Date, shall be understood to be (and are herein referred to as)permissible delays, and are to be distinguished from non-permissible delays on account of which the Contract Price of the VESSEL is subject to adjustment provided for in Article Ⅲ hereof.
Title to and risk of the VESSEL shall rest with the BUILDER before delivery and pass to the BUYER immediately upon delivery and acceptance thereof.
At the time of delivery, the VESSEL shall be free of all liens, mortgages, claims, charges, and other encumbrances.
The BUYER shall take physical possession of the VESSEL immediately upon delivery and acceptance thereof.
The BUYER shall remove the VESSEL from the port of the BUILDER or delivery place within five (5) calendar days after delivery and acceptance as above. If the BUYER does not remove the VESSEL within the aforesaid five (5) calendar days, in such event, the BUYER shall pay to the BUILDER the reasonable mooring charge of the VESSEL and the BUILDER is entitled to remove the VESSEL at any time thereafter from the delivery place to another safe premise with prior notice to the BUYER.
The BUYER shall register the VESSEL at its own cost and expense in accordance with (here to fill in the name of the country where the VESSEL is to be registered) law after delivery and acceptance.
Within a period of twelve (12) months following the Vessel delivery to the BUYER, the BUILDER shall guarantee the Vessel, her hull and machinery and all parts and equipments thereof that are manufactured or furnished or supplied by the BUILDER and/or its sub-contractors under the Contract including material, equipment (however excluding any parts for the Vessel which have been supplied by or on behalf of the BUYER) against all defects which are due to defective materials, and/or poor workmanship.
The BUYER shall give the notice to the BUILDER in writing as promptly as possible, after the discovery of any defect or deviation for which a claim may be made under this guarantee. The BUYER’s written notice shall describe the nature of the defect and the extent of the damage caused thereby. The BUILDER shall have no obligation under this guarantee for any defects discovered prior to the expiry date of the guarantee period, unless such notice is received by the BUILDER not later than thirty (30) days after the expiry date. The written notice of defects received within thirty (30) days after the expiry date of guarantee period shall explain the nature of such defect and extent of damage, so that the forthcoming claim will be sufficient compliance with the requirements as to time.
The BUILDER shall remedy any defects against which the Vessel or any parts of the equipment thereof is guaranteed under this Article by making all necessary repairs and/replacement. Such repairs and/or replacement shall be made at the BUILDER’s cost and expense.
However, if it is impractical to make the repair by the BUILDER, as if the BUILDER’s supply of replacement parts, and materials can not be accomplished without impairing or delaying the operation or working of the Vessel, then in such event that the BUYER makes the necessary repairs or replacements elsewhere at the discretion of the BUYER, the BUYER shall first and in all events, will, as soon as possible, give the BUILDER the notice in writing or orally of the time and place such repairs will be made. Without impairing or delaying the operation or working of the Vessel, the BUILDER shall have the right to inspect through its own representative or that of Classification Society the nature and extent of the Guarantee Defects to be replaced or repaired claimed by the BUYER. The BUILDER shall, in such case, promptly advise the BUYER in writing, after such examination has been completed, of its acceptance or rejection of such Guarantee Defects as ones that covered by the guarantee. In most cases, the Guarantee Engineer, as hereinafter provided for the Vessel, will act for and on behalf of the BUILDER.
In any circumstances as set out below, the BUILDER shall immediately pay to the BUYER in the currency of United States Dollars by telegraphic transfer the actual costs for such repairs or replacements including transportation costs, or at the average lever for making similar repairs or replacements including transportation costs as quoted by the leading shipyards, whichever is lower:
(1) Upon the BUILDER’s acceptance of the defects as justifying remedy under this Article, or
(2) If the BUILDER neither accepts nor rejects the notice of defects as above provided, nor refer to the arbitration within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the BUYER’s notice of defects.
Any dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Article XXVI hereof.
The BUILDER shall have no obligation and/or liabilities with respect to any defects discovered after the expiration of the Guarantee Period specified as above.
The BUILDER shall be liable to the BUYER for defects and damages caused by any of the defects specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article provided that such liability of the BUILDER shall be limited to the defects discovered within the Guarantee Period specified in Paragraph 1. The BUILDER shall not be obligated to repair, or be liable for, damages to the Vessel, or to any part of the equipment thereof, due to ordinary wear and tear or caused by the defects other than those specified in Paragraph 1 as above, nor shall there be any BUILDER’s liability hereunder for defects in the Vessel, or any part of the equipment thereof, caused by fire or accidents at sea or elsewhere, or management mistake, accidents, negligence, or willful neglect, on the part of the BUYER, its employees or agents including the Vessel’s officers, crew and passengers, or any persons on or doing work on the Vessel other than the BUILDER, its employees, agents or sub-contractors. Likewise, the BUILDER shall not be liable for defects in the Vessel, or the equipment or any part thereof, due to repairs or replacement which made by those than the BUILDER and/or their sub-contractors.
Upon the delivery of the Vessel to the BUYER, in accordance with the terms of the Contract, the BUILDER shall thereby and thereupon be released of all responsibility and liability whatsoever and howsoever arising under or by virtue of the Contract (save in respect of those obligations to the BUYER expressly provided for in this Article IX), including but not limit to any responsibility or liability for defective workmanship, materials, or equipment, design or in respect of any other defects whatsoever and any loss or damage resulting from any act, omission or default of the BUILDER. The BUILDER shall, in any circumstances, be liable for any consequential loss or special loss, or expense arising from any cause whatsoever including not limit to, loss of time, profit or earning or demurrage directly from any commitments of the BUYER in connection with the Vessel.
The Guarantee provided in this Article and the obligations and the liabilities of the BUILDER hereunder are exclusive and in lieu of and the BUYER hereby waives all other remedies, warranties, guarantees or liabilities, express or implied, arising by Law or otherwise (including but not limit to any obligations of the BUILDER with respect to fitness, merchantability and consequential damage) or whether or not occasioned by the BUILDER’s negligence, The Guarantee shall not be extended, altered or varied except by a written instrument signed by the duly authorized representatives of the BUILDER, and the BUYER.
The SELLER shall guarantee the VESSEL for a period of twelve (12) months from the month of delivery to the last day of the twelfth month.
The BUILDER shall appoint one or two Guarantee Engineer (s) to serve the VESSEL as the BUILDER’s representative (s) for a period of three (3) months from the delivery of the VESSEL. The BUYER, and his employees, shall give such Guarantee Engineer (s) full co-operation in carrying out his/their duties as the representative (s) of the SELLER on board the VESSEL. The BUYER shall accord the Guarantee Engineer (s) the treatment comparable to the VESSEL’s Chief Engineer, and shall provide him with accommodation and subsistence at no cost to the SELLER and/or the Guarantee Engineer (s).
The BUYER shall pay to the Guarantee Engineer (s) the sum of United States Dollars per month per person to cover his/their miscellaneous expenses including wages and also the BUYER shall pay the expense of repatriation to the location of the BUILDER by air upon termination of his/their service, the expense of his/their communications with the BUILDER when made in performance of his/their duties as the Guarantee Engineer (s) and the expenses. if any, of his/their medical and hospital care. The BUYER, its successor (s) and/or assign (s), shall be liable to and indemnify the SELLER and/or the Guarantee Engineer (s) and /or the SELLER for personal injuries, including death and damages to, or loss or destruction of property of the Guarantee Engineer (s), if such death, injuries, damages, loss and/or destruction were caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct of the BUYER and/or, its successor (s) and/or assign (s) or its employees and/or agents.
Pertaining to the detailed particulars of this Paragraph, a written agreement shall be made according to this effect between the parties hereto upon delivery of the VESSEL…
The parties hereto agree that the Contract should be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of People’s Republic of China or the laws of other state agreed by the two parties.
The BUYER shall be deemed in default of its obligation under the Contract if any of the following events occurs:
(1) The BUYER fails to pay the Second or Third or Fourth installment to the BUILDER when any such installment becomes due and payable under the provisions of Article V hereof and provided the BUYER shall have received the BUILDER’s demand for payment in accordance with Article IV hereof, or
(2) The BUYER fails to pay the fifth installment to the BUILDER in accordance with Paragraph 3 (5) and 4 (5) of Article XIII hereof provided the BUYER shall have received the BUILDER’s demand for payment in accordance with Article IV hereof; or
(3) The BUYER fails to take delivery of the Vessel, when the Vessel is duly tended for delivery by the BUILDER under the provisions of Article XIII hereof.
If the BUYER is in default of payment or in performance of its obligations as provided hereinabove, the BUILDER shall notify the BUYER in writing on the date of occurrence of the default as per Paragraph 1 of this Article and the BUYER shall forthwith acknowledge in writing to the BUILDER that such notification has been received. In case the BUYER does not give the aforesaid acknowledgement in writing to the BUILDER within three (3) calendar days it shall be deemed that such notification has been duly received by the BUYER.
(1) If the BUYER is in default of payment as to any installment as provided in Paragraph 1 (1) and/or 1 (1) of this Article, the BUYER shall pay interest on such installment at the rate of
percent ( %) per annum for a period of 15 days from the due date thereof and thereafter at the rate of percent ( %) per annum until the date of the payment of the full amount, including all aforesaid interest.
In case the BUYER shall fail to take delivery of the Vessel as provided in Paragraph 1 (3) of this Article, the BUYER shall be deemed in default of payment of the fifth installment and shall pay interest thereon at the same rate as aforesaid form (and including) the day on which the Vessel is tendered for delivery, as provided in Article XIII Paragraph 6 hereof.
(2) In any event of default by the BUYER under 1 (1) or 1 (2) or 1 (3) above, the BUYER shall not costs, charges and expenses incurred by the BUILDER in consequence of such default unless provided by relevant.
(1) If any default by the BUYER occurs as defined in Paragraph 1 (1) or 1 (2) or 1 (3) of this Article, the Delivery Date shall at the BUILDER’s option, be postponed for a period of continuance of such default by the BUYER.
(2) If any such default as defined in Paragraph 1 (1) or 1 (2) or 1 (3) of this Article committed by the BUYER continues for a period of fifteen (15) days, then, the BUILDER shall have all following rights and remedies:
(i) The BUILDER may, at its option, cancel or rescind the Contract, provided the BUILDER has notified the BUYER of such default pursuant to Paragraph 2 of this Article, by giving notice of such effect to the BUYER by telex confirmed in writing. Upon receipt by the BUYER of such telex notice of cancellation or rescission, all of the BUYER’s Supplies shall forthwith become the sole property of the BUILDER, and the Vessel and all its equipment and machinery shall be at the sole disposal of the BUILDER for sale or otherwise; and
(ii) (Applicable to any BUYER’s default defined in 1 (1) of this Article) The BUILDER shall, without prejudice to the BUILDER’s right to recover from the BUYER the 5th installment, interest, costs and/or expenses by applying the proceeds to be obtained by sale of the Vessel in accordance with the provisions set out in the Contract, have the right to declare all unpaid 2nd, 3rd and 4th installments to be forthwith due and payable, and upon such declaration, the BUILDER shall have the right to immediately demand the payment of the aggregate amount of all unpaid 2nd, 3rd and 4th installments from the Guarantor in accordance with the terms and conditions of the guarantee issued by the guarantor.
(1) In the event of cancellation or rescission of the Contract as above provided, the BUILDER shall have full right and power either to complete or not to complete the Vessel at it deems fit, and to sell the VESSEL at a public or private sale on such terms and conditions as the BUILDER thinks fit without being answerable for any loss or damage occasioned to the BUYER thereby.
In the case of sale VESSEL, the BUILDER shall give telex or written notice to the BUYER.
(2) In the event of the sale of the VESSEL in its completed state, the proceeds of sale received by the BUYER shall be applied firstly to payment of all expenses attending such sale and otherwise incurred by the BUILDER as a result of the BUYER’s default, and then to payment of all unpaid installments and/or unpaid balance of the Contract Price and interest on such installment at the interest rate as specified if the relevant provisions set out above from the respective due dates thereof to the date of application.
(3) In the event of the sale of the VESSEL in its incomplete state, the proceeds of sale received by the BUILDER shall be applied firstly to all expenses attending such sale and otherwise incurred by the BUILDER as a result of the BUYER’s default, and then to payment of all costs of construction of the VESSEL (such costs of construction, as herein mentioned, shall include but are not limited to all costs of labor and/or the costs paid by the BUILDER for the equipment and/or materials to be installed on the VESSEL) and/or any fees, charges, expenses and/or royalties incurred and/or to be incurred for the VESSEL less the installments so retained by the BUILDER, and compensation to the BUILDER for a reasonable sum of loss of profit due to the cancellation or rescission of the Contract.
(4) In either of the above events of sale, if the proceed of sale exceeds the total of the amounts to which such proceeds are to be applied as aforesaid, the BUILDER shall promptly pay the excesses to the BUYER without interest, provided, however that the amount of each payment to the BUYER shall in no event exceed the total amount of installments already paid by the BUYER and the cost of the BUYER’s supplies, if any.
(5) If the proceed of sale are insufficient to pay such total amounts payable as aforesaid, the BUYER shall promptly pay the deficiency to the BUILDER upon request.
Failure to accomplish the following obligations by the BUILDER shall constitute events of default:
1. The failure of the BUILDER to prosecute the Contract work with such diligence and in such manner as will disable it to complete the VESSEL construction by the Delivery Date stipulated in the Contract, except and to the extent that such failure is due to the causes stated in Article XI of the Contract for which the BUILDER would be entitled to an extension of the Delivery Date, such as the delay of the VESSEL delivery caused by force majeure; provided that the BUYER shall have given the BUILDER notice of such failure and that the BUILDER shall not, within fifteen (15) days of the date of receipt of such notice, have shown to the satisfaction of the BUYER that it has taken steps sufficient to remedy the failure in a manner satisfactory to the BUYER.
2. The failure of the BUILDER in any other respect to use due diligence in the performance of the Contract work or its failure to perform any of the covenants, agreements or undertakings on its part to be performed under the Contract, including but not limited to, the BUILDER’s agreement to make prompt payment for all labor, material, services and other charges which are to be paid by the BUILDER; provided that the BUYER shall give notice to the BUILDER as to such failure, and the BUILDER shall not, within fifteen (15) days after being so notified, correct any failure to use due diligence or undertake the performance of said covenants, undertakings or agreements required to cure such failure, and thereafter prosecute in good faith to completion all such work or performance required to cure such failure.
3. The BUILDER being dissolved or adjudicated a bankrupt or making a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or the appointment of a receiver or receivers of any kind whatsoever, whether or not appointed in bankruptcy, common law or equity proceedings, whether temporary or permanent for the property of the BUILDER, or the filing by the BUILDER of a petition for reorganization or other proceedings under any of the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, or the filing of such petition by creditors, stakeholders or any other person whatsoever and approval thereof by the Court.
4. Where there is a cause of delay in the Contract beyond prior expectation (except such causes stated in Article XI of the Contract for which the BUILDER would be entitled to extent the completion), and such delay would disable the BUILDER to accomplish the obligations under the Contract as determine by the BUYER.
To prevent the committed financing from suffering any loss, the BUILDER shall have the right to assign the benefit arising under or by virtue of the Contract to the financing party.
(1) To prevent the committed financing from suffering any loss, the BUYER shall have the right to assign the benefit arising under or by virtue of the Contract to the financing party.
(2) After obtaining consent from the BUILDER (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld), the BUYER shall assign or transfer the right and obligation under the Contract or assign the Contract to the third party.
(3) Assigner and assignee shall jointly undertake and responsible for the execution of the provisions set forth under the Contract between the assignee and the BUILDER.
If the BUILDER is under no default, the BUILDER shall have the right to lien the possessing constructing VESSEL to insure the repayment of the construction cost when the contractual payment obligation has not been performed by the BUYER.
The VESSEL which is under construction shall be eligible for shipping mortgage. The BUILDER shall have the right to be the Pledger by pledging the VESSEL for the shipping mortgage and should sign a contract with the Pledgee in writing.
The mortgage registration shall be done jointly by the Pledger and the Pledgee in the VESSEL Registry for the shipping mortgage; the third party shall not be confronted for those without registration.
Registration of the shipping mortgage shall include the following main items:
(1) The name, title and address of the Pledgee and Pledger
(2) The name, nationality, the VESSEL ownership certificate issuing authority and the certificate number of the VESSEL to be mortgaged
(3) The loan amount, interest rate and the tenor to be guaranteed
The Pledger shall procure insurance for the mortgaged VESSEL unless the Contract agreed otherwise. The Pledgee shall have the right to procure insurance for the mortgaged VESSEL should it not be insured and the premium shall be borne by the Pledger.
Disputes about whether or not the VESSEL is in accordance with the rules, regulations, and requirements of the Classification Society or other Regulatory Authority may submit to the Classification Commission of the Classification Society, or other Regulatory Authority. The determination of the authority is final and binding upon both parties. Any other disputes under the contract should be submitted to conciliation or arbitration for resolution, which is stipulated in below paragraph 2, and 3.
Before the dispute be submitted to arbitration, both parties agree to submit any of their disputes arising form the Contract or relating to the Contract to Shanghai Maritime Conciliation Center of CMAC for conciliation, which apply to the Center’s Conciliation Rules and Panel of conciliators. Both parties agree to submit their settlement agreement by conciliation to Shanghai Sub-Commission of CMAC and jointly appoint or entrust the chairman of CMAC shall appoint one sole arbitrator to render an arbitration award according to the law and the content of conciliation settlement between the parties. The arbitration procedure and time limit shall not be confined by the Arbitration Rules of CMAC. Unless either party opposes, the conciliator appointed in the conciliation procedure may continue to act as the sole arbitrator to render an arbitration award, if the conciliator is also listed among the Panel of Arbitrators of CMAC.
If both parties don’t agree to conciliate according to above regulations, Conciliation Rules should be adopted by the parties.
Any dispute under or in connect with the Contract shall be submit to Shanghai Sub-Commission of CMAC for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of CMAC in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitration award is final and binding upon both parties.
If both parties don’t agree to submit the dispute to the above-mentioned arbitration institute, the both parties agree to submit to ___(location or institute) and apply to ___Arbitration Rules.
During the period of performing the contract, the BUYER shall have the right to terminate the Contract upon giving notice in the event that:
(1) The Guarantor providing the refund guarantee on behalf of the BUILDER is deemed insolvent, unless the BUILDER provides a replacement and acceptable refund guarantee to the BUYER within 30 days of the BUYER’s notice requiring a replacement refund guarantee to be provided, or
(2) Excluding permissible delays, the BUILDER fails to perform any work relating to the shipbuilding for a running period of at least days, provided that thereafter the BUYER gives the BUILDER at least days’ notice in writing of his intention to terminate the Contract under this clause and within that period the BUILDER fails to remedy its breach, or.
(3) In the event that:
(a) The delivery date is delayed by more than 180 days by fore majeure events,
(b) The delivery of the VESSEL is delayed by more than 180 days, excluding permissible delays,
(c) The aggregate of delays in the delivery of the VESSEL in (a) and (b) above is more than 270 days.
The BUILDER may at any time after the BUYER is entitled to terminates the Contract give notice to the BUYER requesting that the BUYER either agrees to a new delivery date or terminate the Contract. Such new delivery date shall be a reasonable estimated date by the BUILDER, when the VESSEL will be ready for delivery. Within 15 days of the request by the BUILDER, the BUYER shall notify the BUILDER of his determination. If the BUYER doesn’t terminate the Contract, then the new delivery date shall be deemed to be the delivery date provided it doesn’t occur later than 30 days prior to the expiry of the refund guarantee. If the VESSEL is not delivered by that date, the BUYER shall have the right to terminate this Contract.
(4) The reduction in speed, deadweight, hold capacity and the excessive fuel consumption of the main engine entitles the BUYER to reduce the Contract Price, terminate or cancel the Contract as per clause 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Article VI greater than the reduction amount stated in contract;
(5) There are deficiencies of the VESSEL as stated in the Contract to entitle the BUYER to suspend the performance of the Contract;
(6) The BUILDER’s guarantee is in breach of relevant regulations of this Contract.
During the period of performing the contract, the BUILDER shall have the right to terminate the Contract upon giving notice to the BUYER in the event that:
(1) The Guarantor providing the installment or performance guarantee on behalf of the BUYER is deemed insolvent, unless the BUYER provides a replacement and acceptable refund guarantee to the BUILDER within 30 days; or
(2) The BUYER fails to pay any sums due under the contract for a period of 21 banking days, provided that the BUILDER thereafter gave the BUYER at least 5 banking days notice of his intention to terminate the Contract under this Article and within that period the BUYER failed to remedy the breach;
(3) The BUYER fails to take delivery of the VESSEL tendered in accordance with the Contract;
(4) The BUYER fails to provide installment or performance guarantee according to this Contract.
3. Suspension of BUILDER’S Construction Work
Without prejudice to BUILDER’s right of termination, the BUILDER has the right to suspend the construction work if the BUYER fails to pay any installment due according to the contract for 15 banking days until payment of such outstanding sums.
A party or the Guarantor providing the refund guarantee shall be deemed insolvent if the proceedings are commenced against the insolvent party or the Guarantor for winding up, dissolution or reorganization (otherwise than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction), liquidation, the appointment of a receiver, trustee or similar officer, bankruptcy, suspension of payments or similar events. A party shall have the right to terminate the Contract forthwith upon giving notice if the other party or Guarantor is deemed insolvent.
If the Contract is terminated by the BUYER, the BUILDER shall refund all sums paid by the BUYER to the BUILDER according to the contract here of plus interest thereon at the rate stated in contract per annum from the date of payment to the date of refund. The BUILDER shall also return the BUYER’s SUPPLIERS, or if they cannot be returned, the BUILDER shall pay to the BUYER an amount equal to the BUYER’s cost for such BUYER’s SUPPLIERS.
If this Contract is terminated by the BUILDER, the BUILDER shall have the right to retain the BUYER’s SUPPLIERS together with any installments paid by the BUYER and shall have the right and power either to complete or not to complete the shipbuilding, but in any event shall sell the VESSEL (either in its complete or incomplete form), including those BUYER’s supplies which are installed or have been utilized on board the VESSEL, at the best price reasonably obtainable at a public or private sale on reasonable terms and conditions.
(1) In the event of the sales of the VESSEL in its complete form, the proceeds of the sale received by the BUILDER shall be applied in the following order:
(a) to pay all expenses incurred by the BUILDER in respect of the sale and otherwise incurred by the BUILDER as a result of the BUYER’s breach of the contract;
(b) to pay unpaid installments of the contract price including any which would have been payable after the date of termination and interest on such installments at the rate of interest stated in contract from the respective due dates thereof to the date of application.
(2) In the event of the sale of the VESSEL in its incomplete form the proceeds of sale received by BUILDER shall be applied in the following order:
(a) To pay all expenses incurred by the BUILDER in respect of the sale and otherwise incurred by the BUILDER as a result of the BUYER’s default;
(b) To pay all unpaid installments of the Contract Price to the extent due but not yet paid at the date of termination and interest on such installments at the rate of interest stated in the Contract from the respective due date thereof to the date of application;
(c) To pay all costs of part shipbuilding less any paid installments and less any sums credited in paragraph (b) as above;
(d) To compensate the loss of the BUILDER’s reasonable net profits caused by the BUYER’s breach of the Contract.
(3) In any of the above events, if the proceeds of sale exceed the sums to which such proceeds are to be applied as aforesaid, the BUILDER shall promptly pay any such excess to the BUYER without interest thereon, provided that the amount of such payment to the BUYER shall in no event exceed the total amount of installments paid by the BUYER. The BUILDER shall at the same time either permit the BUYER to remove the BUYER’s supplies which are not installed or utilized onboard the VESSEL (if any) from the shipyard for the cost and expense of the BUYER, or give credit to the BUYER for the value thereof.
(4) If the proceeds of sale are insufficient to pay the BUILDER the total amounts due from the BUYER as aforesaid, the BUILDER may sell the BUYER’s SUPPLIES which are not installed or utilized onboard the VESSEL (if any) at the best price reasonable obtainable at a public auction or private sale on reasonable terms and conditions, applying the proceeds of such sale toward the unsatisfied amounts due from the BUYER, and giving credit to the BUYER for any excess.
(5) If the proceeds of sale are still insufficient to pay the BUILDER the total amounts due from the BUYER as aforesaid, the BUYER shall pay the BUILDER the amount of such deficiency, plus interest at the rate stated in the Contract calculated from the date when the payments become due.
From the time of steel cutting of the VESSEL until the same is completed and delivered to the BUYER, the BUILDER shall keep the VESSEL insured with a qualified Chinese insurance company for shipbuilder’s insurance. Such insurance shall cover the damages or losses of the VESSEL’s materials, hull and equipments which incurred by various marine perils, inland perils or the BUILDER’s errors and omissions during the period of construction and trail, as well as any additional costs and liability to a third party including the BUYER’s SUPPLIES.
The amount of such insurance coverage shall be in an amount equal to the amount of the Contract Price, and not less than, the aggregate of the payments made by the BUYER to the BUILDER and the value of the BUYER’s SUPPLIES. Before the delivery of the VESSEL, if the BUILDER and the BUYER adjust the Contract Price in accordance with the Article VI of the Contract, it is the BUILDER’s obligation to adjust the insurance amount accordingly.
All losses under such insurance policy shall be payable to the BUILDER.
The BUYER shall inform the BUILDER of any subsequent changes of the value of the BUYER’s SUPPLIES upon receipt of the notice of such changes of value, the BUILDER is obliged to accordingly change the insured value of the materials and equipment which supplied by the BUYER.
The BUYER is obliged to assist the BUILDER in arranging the aforesaid insurance and providing relevant documents required by the insurance company. The BUILDER is obliged provide the BUYER with the copy of the insurance policy as backup.
(1) Partial Loss
In the event the VESSEL shall be damaged by any insured cause whatsoever prior to acceptance and delivery thereof by the BUYER and in the further event that such damage shall not constitute an actual or a constructive total loss of the VESSEL, the BUILDER shall apply the amount recovered under the insurance policy referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Article to the repair of such damage satisfactory to the Classification Society and the Administrative Authority as described in the Specifications. No additional expenses should be collected by the BUILDER and the BUYER shall accept the VESSEL in accordance with this Contract.
(2) Total Loss
In the event that the VESSEL is determined to be an actual or constructive total loss:
(a) By the mutual agreement between the PARTIES hereto, proceed in accordance with terms of the Contract, in which case the amount recovered under said insurance policy shall be applied to the reconstruction and/or repair of the VESSEL’s damages and/or reinstallation of BUYER’s supplies without additional expenses to BUYER, provided the PARTIES hereto shall have first agreed in writing as to such reasonable extension of the delivery date and adjustment of other terms of other terms of this Contract including the Contract Price as may be necessary for the completion of such reconstruction; or
(b) If due to whatever reasons the parties fail to agree on the above, then refund immediately to the BUYER the amount of all installments paid to the BUILDER under this Contract without interest together with recovered amount for BUYER’s SUPPLIES onboard, whereupon this Contract shall be deemed to be canceled and all rights, duties, liabilities and obligations of each of the parties to the other shall terminate forthwith.
Within thirty (30) days after receiving notice of any damage to the VESSEL constituting an actual or a constructive total loss, the BUYER shall notify the BUILDER in writing of its agreement or disagreement under this sub-paragraph. In the event the BUYER fails to so notify the BUILDER, then such failure shall deemed as rescinded and canceled and the BUYER receive the refund as hereinabove provided and this paragraph (b) shall apply.
Concurrently with the refundment to be made by the BUILDER to the BUYER as per the paragraph (b). the Contract is deemed to be terminated. all the right and obligation of one party to another party under the Contract shall be null and invalid, and the guarantees under the Contract shall be returned.
The BUILDR’s interest under the insurance policy shall cease and terminate forthwith upon delivery of the VESSSEL.
The machinery and equipment of the VESSEL may bear the patent number, trademarks or trade names of the manufacturers. The BUILDER shall defend and save harmless the BUYER from patent liability of claims of patent infringement of any nature or kind, including costs and expenses for, or on account of any patented or patentable invention made or used in the performance of the Contract and also including cost and expense of litigation, if an. If the BUYER involved into a patent infringement because of the BUILDER, it may lodge claims against the BUILDER for its losses arising therefrom.
Nothing contained herein shall be construed a transferring any patent or trademark rights or copyright in equipment covered by the Contract, and all such rights are hereby expressly reserved to the true and lawful owners thereof. Notwithstanding any provisions contained herein to the contrary, the BUILDER’s obligation under this Article should not be terminated by the passage of any specified period of time.
The BUILDER’s indemnity hereunder does not extend to equipment or parts supplied by the BUYER to the BUILDER if any.
Any and all notices and communications in connection with the Contract shall be addressed as follows:
To the BUYER (the full name of the BUYER)
Address: (the legal address of the BUYER)
Tel No:
Fax No:
To the SELLER (the full name of the SELLER)
Address: (the legal address of the SELLER)
Tel No:
Fax No:
To the BUILDER: (the full name of the BUILDER)
Address: (the legal address of the BUILDER)
Tel No:
Fax No:
Any notice or communication sent to the BUYER singly from the SELLER or the BUILDER shall be deemed as from the SELLER and the BUILDER together.
Any change in the address shall be communicated in writing by the party adding such change to the other party and in the event of failure to give such notice of change, communications addressed to the other party at their last known address shall be deemed sufficient.
Any and all notices, demands, requests, instructions, advices and communications in connection with the Contract shall be deemed to be given at the time when the same is delivered to the address of the party to be served however, that email and fax shall be deemed to be delivered upon dispatch and receipt.
Any and all documents as well as notices, communications, specifications and drawings and any other written materials in connection with the Contract shall be written in the Chinese or the English language subject to the situation, each language is legally of equal effect while in case there is any disagreement between the English version and Chinese version, the Chinese one shall prevail. Each party hereto shall have no obligation to translate them into any other language.
The BUYER shall have the right to build the optional vessels, the optional VESSEL should be executed at the same contract price and construction time as the VESSEL Such option must be declared by the BUYER to the BUILDER within the number of months that has been confirmed by the parties following the effective date of the Contract.
The BUILDER also has the right to negotiate with the BUYER on issues of the contract price of the optional vessel the construction time can be properly shortened and the delivery date can be properly put forward.
The Contract shall become effective upon fulfillment of all the following and other mutually agreed conditions:
(1) The Contract and the Specifications have been signed and sealed; and
(2) Receipt by the BUILDER of the first installment in accordance with Article V of this Contract; and
(3) Receipt by the BUILDER of a Letter of Guarantee in the annexed hereto as Annex B issued by a first class international bank of the BUYER acceptable to the SELLER in accordance with Article V hereof; and
(4) Receipt by the BUYER of a Refund Guarantee in the form annexed hereto as Annex A issued by a first class international bank of the SELLER acceptable to the BUYER in accordance with Article V hereof; and
(5) Approval of the boards of the two parties.
Unless other written agreements exist in the Contract, the parties shall be expressly released from their obligations to each other in accordance with this Contract, an instruction should be made to indicate the ineffectiveness of the Contract. Meanwhile, the BUILDER should return the BUYER all its payments which has been paid before plus an interest of the BUYER’s payment at the rate of percent ( %) per annum.
The Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no promise, warranty or statement prior to the date of the Contract shall affect the Contract. Any modification of the Contract shall not be of any effect unless in writing negotiated and signed by or on behalf of the parties.
CMAC Standard Newbuilding Contract (Shanghai Form)
To: [insert the full name of the beneficiary]
To whom it may concern
At the request of a [here insert the name of shipping trade company] and [here insert the name of shipyard or the shipbuilding company] (hereinafter called as “the Seller”), in consideration of you agreeing to pay the Seller the installments before the delivery of the vessel under the building contract concluded by you and Seller dated [ ] (hereinafter called as “the Contract”) for a vessel with construction number [ ] and deadweight [ metric ton] (hereinafter called as “the Vessel”), we hereby guarantee that the Seller will repay to you an amount up to a total of United States Dollars [ ] representing the aggregate amount paid by you to the Seller under the Contract before the delivery of the Vessel, of the first installment of the Contract Price amounted USD [ ], the second installment amounted USD [ ], the third installment amounted USD [ ] and the fourth installment amounted USD [ ]. Should the Seller fails to repay to you such any or all installments due as provided by the articles under the Contract, and you suspend to terminate the Contract due to the extension of the delivery date, we will make such payment to you without interest. In the event that the delivery date is delayed for [ ] days and you terminate the Contract in accordance with the clause 3 of Article 8 or clause 1 (3), 2 (3), 3 (3), or 4 (3) of Article 3 of the Contract, we shall pay to you the aforesaid amount of installments together with interest at the rate of [ ] percent (%) per annum, or [ ] percent (%) per annum in other circumstances. Within thirty (30) running days upon receipt by us from you of a Repayment Demand, we shall pay to you the sun as follows.
However, in the event that is disagreement between you and the Seller on the following issues:
(1) Whether the Seller is liable for the repayment of any or all installments to you, and
(2) Whether you have the right to require us for payment Should the Seller or you submit such dispute before the arbitration in accordance with Article 26 of the Contract or raise an appeal in accordance with the laws of other country, we is entitled to terminate the contract and postpone any payment until the arbitration award between the Seller and the Buyer is published. We shall not be obligated to make such payment unless repayment of the Seller is ordered in the arbitration award and the Seller waives or disclaims appeal in accordance with the laws of other country. Should the Seller fails to enforce the arbitration award, we will pay off the amount ordered by the award (or the judgment), which shall not exceed the amount to be secured by the Letter of Guarantee, plus the interest mentioned above.
All payments under the Letter of Guarantee shall be made in United States Dollars. The Letter of Guarantee comes to effect upon the receipt of the first installment by the Seller from you prior to the delivery under the Contract. The sum available under the Letter of Guarantee shall be in line with the amount which has paid by you prior to the delivery. The amount to be paid under the Letter of Guarantee shall not exceed the aggregate amount of the installments paid by you to the Seller before the delivery of the Vessel, plus the interest at the rate of [ ] percent (%) per annum calculated on the amount of each installment from the date of receipt of the same by the Seller until the date on which the same is repaid under the Letter of Guarantee.
The Letter of Guarantee shall remain in force until (a) due delivery of the Vessel to, and acceptance of the Vessel by, the Buyer, or (b) the payment to you by the Buyer or by us of all sums guaranteed by the Letter of Guarantee, or (c) the [ ] day (the thirtieth day after the delivery date under the Article 14 of the Contract), whichever is earlier. Hereafter, you shall return the Letter of Guarantee to us by airmail for the purpose of revocation, unless:
(1) In the event that the Vessel is under construction, the period of validity of the Letter of Guarantee shall be extended until [ ] day (the [ ] day after the delivery date under the Article 13 of the Contract), or the date of due delivery of the Vessel to and acceptance of the Vessel by the Buyer, if first incurs. Or
(2) In the event that you or the Seller submit before the arbitration authority or the court the matter under the Contract, the period of validity of the Letter of Guarantee will be automatically extended until the thirtieth day after the publication of the arbitration award of the judgment.
The Letter of Guarantee is governed by the laws of the Peoples’ Republic of China.
Yours truly,
[ ] Bank
CMAC Standard Newbuilding Contract (Shanghai Form)
To: [insert the full name of the beneficiary]
[ ] Shipyard (or Shipbuilding Company)
To whom it may concern
(1) In consideration of you and [ ] (hereinafter called as “the BUYER”) entering into a sales contract (building contract) dated [ ] for the construction of a VESSEL with hull number [ ] and deadweight ton of [ metric ton] (hereinafter called as “the VESSEL”) we, as the primary obligor and not a guarantor only, hereby irrevocably, absolutely and unconditionally guarantee that the BUYER will punctually pay to you the sum of United States Dollars [ ] representing the aggregate amount of the second, third and fourth installments of the Contract Price as provided by the Section (2) herein.
(2)In accordance with the Contract, the sum to be secured in the Letter of Guarantee includes the second installment of USD [ ], for which the BUYER is liable within three (3) New York Banking Day after the commencement of the construction of the VESSEL, the third installment of USD [ ], for which the BUYER is liable when the first paragraph of the VESSEL is put on the slipway, and the fourth installment of USD [ ], for which the BUYER is liable within three (3) New York Banking Day after launching of the VESSEL.
(3) As the primary obligor and not a guarantor only, we hereby irrevocably, absolutely and unconditionally guarantee that we will punctually pay the interest calculated on the amount of each installment, which the BUYER is obliged to pay, at the rate of [ ] percent (%) per annum from the expiry date of such installment as provided by the Contract until the date on which the same is fully paid.
(4) Should the BUYER fails to punctually pay any installment or interest and such failure is last for fifteen (15) days, we will, upon receipt by us from you of the first written demand for the same, pay to you or to your order the amount of the second, third and fourth installments and relevant interest as provided by Section (3) above, without request to you for a further action, measure or steps on the mortgages holding by you or the SELLER.
(5) The Letter of Guarantee and obligations hereunder shall be freely assignable by you at your own discretion. If assigned, it is guaranteed that any third party consigned by you or the Business Department of the Head Office of Bank of China is your agent. Such third party or Business Department of Head Office of Bank of China is deemed to be authorized as the agent herein.
(6) Any payment under the Letter of Guarantee shall be made in United States Dollars to [here insert the name of bank] and transfer to your account in the Business Department of the Head Office of Bank of China, with you or your agent as the beneficiary and the receiving bank appointed or temporarily appointed by the SELLER.
(7) Our obligations under the letter of guarantee shall not be affected or impaired by the following factors: any dispute between the BUYER and you, as the SELLER, under the Contract, or delay on delivery or construction of the VESSEL for any reason, change or extension of the period of construction or delivery of the VESSEL, any mortgage or compensations incurs or to incur, any absolution from you or other relevant parties, non-performance or invalidity of the relevant provisions or other factor which may diminish the obligations under the Letter of Guarantee such as any action, omission, facts or conditions.
(8) Any representation or demand in writing made by you shall be signed by one of your duly authorized officers and may be served on us by hand or by post to [ ] (or such other address as we may notify to you in writing), or by authorized communication number with written confirm of Bank of China.
(9) The Letter of Guarantee come to effect upon your receipt and remain in force until (a) due delivery of the VESSEL to, and acceptance of the VESSEL with full performance of his obligation, by the BUYER, or (b) the payment to you by the BUYER or by us of all amount of the second, third and fourth installments and interest, whichever is earlier.
(10) Our liability under the Letter of Obligation shall not exceed the maximum sum of USD [ ], which includes:
(a) The aggregate amount of the second, third and fourth installments to be secured in the Letter of Guarantee, which is USD [ ], and
(b) Interest on the installment for sixty (60) days at the rate of [ ] percent (%) per annum, which is USD [ ].
(11) All payments to be made under the Letter of Guarantee shall be made without any set off or counterclaim and without deduction or withholding for or on account of any taxes, duties or charges whatsoever unless we are compelled by law to deduct or withhold the same in which case we shall make the minimum deduction or withholding permitted and will pay such additional amounts as may be necessary in order that amount received by you after such deduction or withholding shall be equal to the amount which would have been received had no such deduction or withholding been made.
(12) The Letter of Guarantee is to be construed in accordance with the laws of [here insert the name of country]. We hereby submit it to the courts without judicial privileges for any legal action or litigation in the [here insert the name of country].
(13) The Letter of Guarantee will be ended as of the date above. After that, you shall return the Letter of Guarantee without any condition.
(14) In witness whereof, the Letter of Guarantee is effective and submitted by our duly authorized representatives on the date above.
CMAC Standard Newbuilding Contract (Shanghai Form)
CMAC Standard Newbuilding Contract (Shanghai Form)
CMAC Standard Newbuilding Contract (Shanghai Form)
CMAC Standard Newbuilding Contract (Shanghai Form)
Comprehensive Table for the Contract’s Element
(B-C Standard Shipbuilding Contract Facility Edition)
1.Place and Date of the Contract |
2. BUILDER’s name, full style address, and contract details ship trading company (if any) Name: Address: Country: Tel: Fax: Email:
BUILDER Name: Address: Country: Tel: Fax: Email: |
3. BUYER’s name, full style address, and contract details Name: Address: Country: Tel: Fax: Email: |
4. VESSEL description/type |
A. Main Dimensions (i) LOA (m) (ii) Length between perpendiculars (m) (iii) Deadweight capacity (DWT) (mts) (iv) Design draft (m) |
B. cargo capacity (i) Cubic capacity (ii)Rold capacity |
B2. TEU carrying capacity(state number of containers) (i) Total on deck a. 20’/40’/45’TEU b. No. of reefers (ii) Total under deck a. 20’/40’/45’TEU b. No. of reefers |
Main engine (i) Maker/Type (ii) Max. continuous rating (kilowatts at MCR) (iii) RPM at MCR (iv) Specific Fuel Oil Consumption at MCR |
D. Average speed (i) Service speed (knot)at design draft
E. Other matters (optional ) |
5. BUILDER’s Hull Number |
6. Flag State |
7. Classification Society/Class character |
8. Contract Price and Currency (a) Price (b) Currency |
9. Contractual Date of Delivery |
10. Payments 1st installment 2nd installment 3rd installment 4th installment Final installment |
11. BUILDER’s Bank Account Data Name: Address: Country: Phone/Fax: Email: Sort code: Account number: Account name: |
12. Adjustment of Contract Price A. Speed (a) Contract Price reduction amount (b) Maximum reduction amount (c) Contract Price addition amount (d) Maximum addition amount |
B. Deadweight: (a) Contract Price reduction amount (b) Maximum reduction amount (c) Contract Price addition amount (d) Maximum addition amount |
C. Cubic (a) Contract Price reduction amount (b) Maximum reduction amount (c) Contract Price addition amount (d) Maximum addition amount |
D. Fuel Consumption (a) Contract Price reduction amount (b) Maximum reduction amount (c) Contract Price addition amount (d) Maximum addition amount |
E. Late or Advanced Delivery compensation (a) Amount per day for delay (b) Maximum reduction amount (c) Amount per day for advanced delivery (d) Maximum addition amount |
F. Others (optional) |
13.Guarantees (a) BUYER’s guarantees (i) Number of days after signing contract (ii) BUYER’s installment/Performance Guarantee (b) BUILDER’s guarantees (i) Numbers of days after signing contract |
14. Guarantee Period(state number of months, if left blank 12 months shall apply) |
15. Additional Guarantee Period (state number of months) |
16. Suspension and Termination (a) Running period (state number of days) (b) Notice period (state number of days) |
17. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution (a) Governing law: (i) Law of P.R.C.,or (ii) Law of other country (b) Institution or place of dispute resolution:(i) CMAC-Shanghai, or (ii) other arbitration institution or place
18. Guarantee Engineer (state total number of months) |
19. Effective Date of Contract (state conditions to be satisfied)
20. State number of days within which conditions have to be satisfied |
21. Optional additional vessels (state number) |
22. Optional additional vessels contract price and delivery dates
23. Declaration of options (state number of months after Effective Date)
24. Interest (state rate of interest) |
25. BUYER’s Guarantor (state name of bank or party as appropriate, full style address, and contract details) Name: Address:
Country: Phone: Fax: Email: |
26. BUILDER’s Guarantor (state name of bank or party as appropriate, full style address, and contract details) Name: Address:
Country: Phone: Fax: Email:
27. Number of Annexes
28. Number of Additional Clauses |
Signature (BUILDER)
Signature (BUYER)